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Scrub Tool


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Hi, yeah that’s what I’m doing I’ve never had a problem with it before. I don’t use it that often in fact this may be the first time since I switched from SONAR to Cakewalk by bandlab. I was just surprised that it didn’t work.

Do you think there might be something in preferences? I’ve looked but nothing stands out.

thanks for replying


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2 hours ago, johnpeeee said:

Do you think there might be something in preferences

Not that I'm aware of, @scook  the font CbB knowledge may know ? Regardless, as far as I can tell for MIDI, the scrub tool only works in the PRV and the Staff View, the audio engine must be on and the now time line follows the mouse's pace as dragged . 

In the track view for an audio clip,  for a single track, the mouse must be in the track lane, the audio engine if off should get switched on at the start of the drag, but if the speed of the drag is greater than the tempo would move the now time line, it will move the now time at the speed of the tempo. If you slip out of the track into a non-audio space whilst still dragging the sound will stop but the now time line still follows the mouse. When the drag stops, the audio engine is switched off.

So, for me  it seems to work as expected... The only thing I can suggest is to have the latest version installed and maybe apply the latest hotfix  for numerous bugs:

That's what I've got installed...

Just for completeness:

https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf#G18.1091347

Edited by Tez
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8 hours ago, johnpeeee said:

I may try a full reinstall

Good luck if you do... Just in case did you try "To bypass the current volume and pan settings when scrubbing, hold down the ALT key. This will force scrubbing to play back at unity gain and centered", just a thought...

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