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Work It Out

bats brew

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Okay, so it starts like unplugged metal, user friendly congas and shakers . . . but I've heard your stuff before, so knew those big drums and high vocals were comin' ! , and they delivered when they came. Really like this one, glad to see you still cranking out some great tunes.

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  On 1/19/2021 at 12:52 AM, kurt soderquist said:

That's some incredible guitar playing, I'm jealous! Pretty wild song. Good work.


well thanks for that kurt!! i've been playing long enough that i should have it down by now....

work it out, seems appropriate now for our days and times....

but i actually wrote this a long time ago, about a break up with a girlfriend...

and it's been a long enough time back, that i don't even remember her name!!

heheh, shameful.

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  On 1/19/2021 at 3:53 AM, noynekker said:

Okay, so it starts like unplugged metal, user friendly congas and shakers . . . but I've heard your stuff before, so knew those big drums and high vocals were comin' ! , and they delivered when they came. Really like this one, glad to see you still cranking out some great tunes.


hey noynekker! thanks for the comments,

glad you dig this one.

it's off of my 1st album, that i re-released back in 2018.


it's called "Trouble",

you can find it here:






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  On 1/19/2021 at 8:42 AM, Bajan Blue said:

I love this - my only comment would be for me the intro was too long (about a minute) and then when the song got really going, there was only two minutes of it!!!!

Love love love that second section




thank you nigel,

for listening, and commenting


i think the intro is perfect the way it is,

it sets a mood...

when you first hear it, you don't know where it is going,

that intro could have been the whole song, repeated, etc, wash, rinse, repeat...

as it is, it's short, like the body of the fast part is...

and without it, the song is only 2 minutes long!! 

heheh, but i said everything i had to say in those two minutes, so there's that.

the 2nd section is fun to play,

you just keep rolling those scales, riffs, whatever, they just keep rolling,

then you hit the big chord and let the solo rip.

a really fun tune to track

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  On 1/19/2021 at 1:09 PM, Wookiee said:

Nice one @batsbrew, I do agree somewhat with Nigel the intro was perhaps just a tad to long and then giving us 3.05 minutes I am sure you could have stretched it a bit more, perhaps a second break of your excellent chops????


hey wook!

i don't think the intro is too long...

i think it's just right!!

but yea, the idea that a song like this jumps in, hits quick, and gets out,

works in relation to the song that is before, and after it, on the album.

listen to it as a whole, and it makes perfect sense.

and that's how it was written to work.


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  On 1/19/2021 at 1:58 PM, 53mph said:

Lovin' lead guitar work.

Reminds me of Mister Bungle / Faith No More  Patton for some reason. 

Love the production, but I agree the intro is far too long - get to the good stuff quicker. 


hi 53mph (that's just a bit too slow for me on the highway) heheh...

faith no more, wow, haven't heard that name dropped before, i liked their early stuff.


in my opinion, the good stuff was the beginning...

the 2nd half was almost like a toss off!!

but i appreciate the comments, i'm glad you checked this one out

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  On 1/19/2021 at 5:40 PM, jack c. said:

keep those long parts as they set a groove/feel!!!!!!!!!!great recording job.what vst plugins do ya use on guitars (amp sim efx)and for mixing/mastering(efx).jack c.


alright jack!

a vote for  not re-arranging it! i like it! heheh


these guitars were recorded using a tube amp head, several different 1x12 cabs with different drivers, and a good ole sm57 on the cone.

all effects came from the guitar pedalboard.

in otherwords, standard studio stuff, no tricks.


the mastering was originally done in Sonar, and i used Waves Plugins for mastering.

LPMBC, L2 Limiter, LPEQ, and that's it.


  On 1/19/2021 at 8:45 PM, AndyB01 said:

Feeling very 'Purple' after listening to that - fabulous! Andy


yea, purple....

it's a good thing to listen to before tracking the 2nd part!!

thanks andy

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  On 1/20/2021 at 8:37 PM, DeeringAmps said:


Always leave 'em wantin' more!


gotta have me some of that snare; Oh Yeah!


yea, leave em wanting more!! heheh, i think that only worked on one of my songs. 



the snare, i love that snare, maybe i mixed the drums on this too weak.

the drummer was so spot on.

a great player, a degreed guy from dallas ft/worth area

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  On 1/22/2021 at 9:15 AM, Wookiee said:

Sometime the issue with listening to a song out of the context in which it was written ?


this is true,

there are many 'deep cut' albums that work so well with the flow of the album that the artist intended.


i've never done 'one offs' or singles,

i always write material with a vibe or a theme,

hence the name of the album 'trouble', and the song 'work it out'.


it's cool if folks don't care about that stuff,

the songs stand on their own all the same.


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  On 1/20/2021 at 9:18 PM, Douglas Kirby said:

That was really cool - how the intro slowly drew me in, and then you really started to rock - nicely done.

One thing I've noticed over time while listening to your music is the drum tracks - they are always top-notch.


hey doug!!

ha, well, the thing with the intro, how it hit YOU, is exactly what i was going for.


for me, it's a juxtaposition of the lyric... the intro is the 'trouble', the thing that needs to be worked out.

the 2nd half, is the 'working it out' phase.


now, this drummer, like i said before, 

is a top notch player out of the D/FW area, and has played with the symphony, many bands in the area, lots of studio work...

a lot of his tracks were done in only one or two passes, playing on top of my demos.

it worked out very well.


thanks so much for listening!

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