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World's goin Down

bats brew

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You have been a way for a while.
Nice panning and sounds on the acoustic.
Slide is brill could come up a touch (center)---  keeps changing center, left and right... nice... ear candy.

On my speakers the kick could come up a little.
backing vocals---- cool.

I think you could add a little more sparkle!!

We all paint different pictures.. and the average guy in the street doesn't hear the way we do  (maybe too analytical)

Great track!!


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17 hours ago, mark skinner said:

That intro sucked something out of my brain that I might need later ..  Great song and no need to get specific about the world going down .. I'm glad you're posting again , I've missed your songs.  mark

heheh, that made me laugh mark!

it's funny, just like some folks don't like it at all, and others dig it,

i honestly don't know what to do with it!

heheh, it's already cast in stone,

but i'm remixing a few to repost on utoob and social media,

and since the rules have changed for streaming audio, and i never mastered this for that,

i need to redo a bunch of my already released material,

so that's what i'm starting on soon.


i have lots of irons in the fires right now.


thanks so much for listening


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16 hours ago, Lynn Wilson said:

I agree with Mark, and I'm glad to see you back.  This song is very timely, and I'm glad to hear it.  Don't stay away so long, and stay warm and dry.

hey lynn! yes, timely song, that's why i posted this  one.


i wont stay away, i've got LOTS of stuff to post.



plus a brand new album being released in about 2 weeks.

more on that later.


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16 hours ago, kurt soderquist said:

What a cool song! All kinds of sounds going on but not jumbled together, you can hear everything nice and clear. Great recording. Nice slide work too.

hey kurt, thanks for listening!

yea, there's a lot going on, but i try to arrange it so everything has a moment to stand out with out stepping on something else. i don't do slide a lot, but it is fun!


13 hours ago, David Sprouse said:

I've always liked your vocal harmonies.  They're almost CSNY but different.  As I grew up in the 70's I'm a bit flummoxed by the lack of protest music.  I"m sure it's there somewhere.   I just haven't found it  yet.

thanks david, for the note about the harmonies. i work on those the most.... i def listened to CSNY growing up, but i think my harmonies are more in the beatles and queen camp, without the exceptional voices! LOL

yea, protest music. i think people are too worried about alienating potential audience members, but i think that is a bit weak.

i have several 'protest' type songs in my catalog. 

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8 hours ago, Bajan Blue said:

Great Guitar work, cool song

Liked it a lot



hi Nigel! thanks for listening... yea, the guitar was fun on this one. it's cool to jam along with as well.



6 hours ago, Wookiee said:

New toys @batsbrew? Up to your normal play skills, I will say the kick is sounding a little lite here.

Please do not stay away so long I miss your chops.

hello sir wookie!

i DO have some new toys, but not on this song. the kick is strong on my playback system, either i'm getting room nulls, or i just hear kick too good and back it off. nnot sure which


i got new stuff to post soon

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On 1/15/2021 at 8:11 AM, garybrun said:

You have been a way for a while.
Nice panning and sounds on the acoustic.
Slide is brill could come up a touch (center)---  keeps changing center, left and right... nice... ear candy.

On my speakers the kick could come up a little.
backing vocals---- cool.

I think you could add a little more sparkle!!

We all paint different pictures.. and the average guy in the street doesn't hear the way we do  (maybe too analytical)

Great track!!


hi gary!

yea, i've been super busy, between work and recording the new album (i'm done now, just got to get it to distribution)


there are 2 slide parts, that mostly call and response each other...

sometimes they're unison, sometimes harmony, and sometimes just goin' off!


i tend to not use as much treble these days,

because i find it fatiguing, listening to entire albums from front to back, if they are not mastered properly.

i never mix songs on an album, too bright, because my intent is to make it an 'album' experience.

most songs are mastered too hot, too bright, too everything, for any extended listening.

unless of course, it's background music,

in which case all bets are off!! heheh


hey, thanks so much for listening and commenting

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On 1/15/2021 at 10:25 AM, jack c. said:

great recording job and guitars and voices .joe walsh.enjoyable different parts.jack c.

HOWDY jack C

thanks for listening, joe said 'give me my riff back!!"



On 1/16/2021 at 7:59 AM, mark skinner said:

Was the last group of songs you posted released as an album for sale ?  Do all of us get a free one  If not where can we find it .     mark

hey mark!!

the last group of songs i posted,

where the demo's from the album i just finished.

it will be on sale in about 2 weeks, i'll post some links.

it will be available thru amazon, itunes, or direct from me, either thru paypal or a nod and a wink.


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On 1/16/2021 at 8:13 AM, DeeringAmps said:

As always, top notch Bats, so a big ?'s from me!

On the DT990's here, the oomph is there, just not the "click" of the beater.
I've mentioned this before, IIRC....


hi tom! good to hear from you, thanks for listening


yea, click beaters on kick drums, is not something i'm a fan of.

sometimes, it makes sense...

but this drummer's kick sounded exactly like this, so i went for an honest capture, and

didn't tweak much.


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