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Antique Store Photos


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Antique Store Photos

I've been learning guitar for a while and gotten competent enough for simple fingerpicking.
So this is the 1st song I've posted here where I actually play a real instrument, a Taylor acoustic. I'll admit the playing's a little sloppy, mainly due to recording anxiety but it's not too bad IMO.

There's a RealGuitar strum track mainly for keeping time.

This is a work in progress. I need to get a better voc track and I need to get the guitar timing down a lot better. Anyway, thanks for listening.


Faded family photographs
At the antique store
Tossed into a cardboard box
A dollar gets you four  

Clothing quaint and curious
Posed in black and white
father mother and children there
They look a bit alike

they passed away a long time ago
but now they're looking  at me
a stranger holding all that's left
a forgotten family

once a treasured memory
an heirloom thru the years  
but as the generations passed    
no one's left who cares

the camera caught one moment
of lives in their heyday
their turn in the sunshine
'til their day faded away

once a treasured memory
but time has been unkind
stored in someone's attic  
'til it was left behind

And all that's left is a photograph
a faded memory  
I wonder..  in a hundred-years
what will remain of me  


Edited by bjornpdx
added lyrics
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Steve - thanks for your comments, especially on my newbie guitar playing. Very encouraging!
Jack C - thanks for commenting. I'm not set up for pop filter at the moment. On my to do list.
Doug - Thanks for your kind comment on my singing. I think everyone is their own worst judge on singing. I pretty much cringe everytime I listen to myself.
John B -  I scanned  hundreds of my parents' old photos recently and repaired a lot of them via Photoshop. Nice to rescue those old pictures and I hope my son and my nieces will want to keep them.
Kurt - Thanks for listening and taking the time to comment. Appreciate it.

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