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Moving To Canada

Glenn Stanton

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Hey nice one! Is that a French translation of your lyrics that the lady is singing, or just random Quebecor?  Very nice presentation of the lyrics. I was in Montreal a while back, that's an awesome city in most respects!

Maybe a bit more in the drum fills / drum programming department? Just a thought. I liked the breakdown, cool groove there. The song has a very cool Thomas Dolby vibe, which is high praise indeed. The sax - Men at Work?  That was a good listen, thanks!




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thanks! the woman is the French voice from google translate that i ran through with Melodyne to increase the melodic inflections a bit. Sax is my voice converted to MIDI then run through DimPro Tenor.  i kinda deliberately left the drum parts simpler since there was a lot of other stuff going on.

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thanks @Wookiee - i deliberately let the french and english clash (historical maybe ?

yeah, using Melodyne - you can convert a lot of stuff - guitar, bass, voice, piano, etc to MIDI. i often use the voice tracks to add some background pads, leads, etc. guitar i often convert chords to piano and organ, leads into sax, synth, etc. I have Melodyne 5 Editor so polyphonic works quite well. the only thing i don't find converts reliable are drums, but that's what drum replacer is for ? 

my belief is: however you get the notes in, you can reuse them for all kinds of interesting instrumentation. 

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