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Day Dreaming Afternoon


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Day Dreaming Afternoon

I was going for a Celtic sound but it veered off a bit. I used only these 5 notes: A C D E F#  I looked it up and it's an Am6 Pentatonic Scale which sounds Celtic to me.

Not much structure to this. If you play every instrument in the same scale you can't go wrong.

I really like BolderSounds Violin 2 because the articulations sound good and they're pretty easy to do.

Ample Guitar
Bolder Sounds Violin 2
Indiginus Renaxxance
Precision Sound Cletic Whistle
RealGuitar Classic
EastWest Voices of Passion (Bulgaria)

Thanks for listening/comments.


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Bjorn, you have really mastered the art of writing well crafted instrumentals that stay with you for a while.  I'm inspired to try something like this, but I know it doesn't come easy.  You have a deep well of creativity that never gets tiring.  You give this Celtic tune a touch of the blues while keeping a traditional sound, thus, making it more interesting.  Well done, my friend!

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Very pretty and delicate Bjorn.
The 2 (or "9" if you prefer) works good in that scale as well.
BB used the 2 and 6 to great effect with the minor 3rd (although the trick is to push that flat 3 sharp just a bit).
Kind of "sweetens" up the "blues" scale (the 2 and 6, the "sharp" minor 3rd; well that's the blue note).



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well done bjorn, very organic to me.  you do a great job of finding the best sounds and meshing them into a whole.

easily a radio ready song, or even for an into to a movie, just very well done

great sounds you have there, and a keen ear for making them work!  (did I just repeat myself?)  well it bears repeating.

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noynekker  Thanks so much for the kind words.
Wookie, Doug, Kurt  Thanks for listening and commenting
Lynn  I really appreciate your comments. Thank you.
Jesse  Thanks. I appreciate your comments.
tom    The 2 (or 9) in a scale always sounds like southern rock to me. Just gives me a homesick kind of feeling.


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I really liked how all the instruments came in and out, and supported each other. Plus I liked that the chords changed in spots that were ever so slightly irregular. Very calming and wonderfully so. Mixwise, maybe a bit more reverb on the acoustic guitar, just to get it closer to the flute's reverb? Not as much as the flute, just a bit more? I dunno. Analyzing your song takes me out of the calm vibe it creates, so that's where I'll stay!



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I agree with 'noynekker' it's true that you have used those samples in sympathetic way and it works for me. I think, going to your back catalog, the improvement in your creativity is really evident ! I listened to this in the lounge with a brew looking out at a rainy cold morning ..this somehow fitted my mood, very calming.



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