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2020.11 Update 1 Preview build

Noel Borthwick

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  On 11/27/2020 at 1:24 PM, Matthew Carr said:

Update 1 fixed the slow start of Cakewalk (looking for updates I guess) on a networked PC without access to the internet... a minor inconvenience, but nice to be resolved.

Great work on the recent updates, they have been stellar!


Yes if the request for to check for an update took long it was delaying the app start. This has been resolved. 

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The only thing I would ask is that Cakewalk please stop scanning all Waves shells completely at startup after adding just a single Waves plugin. Cakewalk starts up OK, but the plug-in scan continues for an extended time after start up.

Running Cakewalk 2020-11 (Build 099).

I realize how the Waves Shell obfuscates changes with individual plug-ins, but other DAWs don't seem to have this issue to the same extent.

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I was not experiencing any of the issues noted but I opted to do the update anyway ( Now I have several issues I did not have before.

1. When recording audio I do not see the waveform preview while recording.  Once the recording session is stopped the waveform is generated as expected.  Howeve this is annoying since I am not able to receive any visual feedback.

2. I have completely lost ALL ability to record MIDI.


How can I roll back to a previous version?  Windows restore did not work.


**SOLVED** - Project was corrupted after the update.


Thanks in advance


Edited by Richard Arizmendi
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Thanks Steve.

I cannot explain why but, reverting back to 2020.09 does NOT fix my new issues.  Something is definitely broken now.  I am still having the same troubles.  Opening Sonar Platinum reveals all works as expected.  This really sucks cuz I have been loving CbB.

Sorry for posting in the wrong thread.  This should have been posted elsewhere. 


**SOLVED**  See above post



Edited by Richard Arizmendi
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