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Future Request - Ability to send Midi from one midi track to multiple instruments & effects

Enej Johhem

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39 minutes ago, Starship Krupa said:

Turbo Pascal.


Fun fact: FL Studio is written in Delphi, which is the modern successor of Turbo Pascal. Well, that, and a lot of assembler as well.

As for CbB I'm pretty sure it's written in Microsoft C++.

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I don't want to risk taking this feature request in yet another direction. So, if anyone who has CbB and Voltage Modular Core is interested in a method for setting up the two so MIDI data (1) can be recorded on a MIDI track in CbB (to be played back and edited later), (2) routed to Voltage Modular, and then (3) routed back so CbB sees VM as a MIDI source which can be selected as a MIDI input for multiple software synths hosted in CbB, feel free to PM me.

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18 hours ago, Canopus said:

Fun fact: FL Studio is written in Delphi, which is the modern successor of Turbo Pascal. Well, that, and a lot of assembler as well.

As for CbB I'm pretty sure it's written in Microsoft C++.

AFAIK Ear Master & Band in a Box are also written in Delphi... although they may be using FreePascal/Lazarus for Mac support.

CbB is Microsoft Visual C++.

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4 hours ago, msmcleod said:

CbB is Microsoft Visual C++.

C++.  That's what I would have expected.  The Pascal stuff was probably a joke?

OK, if you're part of the Staff, how about asking the team about this?  You probably have all the necessary C++ classes in place;  just need to add a few methods?


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Well, I thought I had a viable workaround using the 'midichannel filter' plugin to distribute to multiple synths: but no.

This works for the first MIDI track.  But if you add a second MIDI track, and a second instance of channel filter to try to distribute THAT track data to a different set of synths, it doesn't work.  Worse, when you add a new soft synth at that point, all the inputs to the first set of synths seem to get reset!!  WTF???

It really seems that for the moment Cakewalk is really not able to properly handle the concept of more than one synth fed from a particular MIDI track, at least for more than one MIDI track.

Don't tell me this is "not a bug" or "works as designed".    It's a BUG.

Meanwhile, we're back to copying the MIDI tracks.   Sigh....



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It's not a bug; it's a missing feature. A bug is a feature that does not work as documented. It is not documented anywhere that one MIDI track can drive more than one instrument in CbB. The MIDIChFilter option is a workaround for the missing feature that was proposed by another user, and not verified or endorsed by any CbB developer. That said, I did a quick test and had no problem driving four instruments from two MIDI tracks outputting to two instances of MIDIChFilter. You'll need  to give exact sequence of steps to reproduce your problem with it.

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Strictly speaking you are correct: it's a missing feature, not an actual 'bug' as such.

I ran into the problem while trying to work on a real project; and I can't remember all the things I tried in detail.

Will create a clinically clean test case tomorrow.    Still annoying that something which should be as simple as this isn't built in, though?

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3 minutes ago, Glenn Stanton said:

then again, if i need to filter etc i just copy the MIDI over to the track that needs it ? 

Yes, but then if you want to make a change in the score while keeping the same notes you have to edit multiple MIDI tracks.  Fine if you actually need different features on each one, but if it's just plain note doubling that's unnecessary work.  For example, in the thing I'm working on, I want an ostinato bass doubled on several different synths, and a drum track doubled on acoustic and electric drum sounds. 

Sure, it's just a matter of convenience and we can get the job done, but it would speed up the workflow  if we had this capability.

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1 hour ago, xtenkfarpl said:

but if it's just plain note doubling that's unnecessary work. 

Not true... You can use Linked Clips... With linked clips edit one clips and all others will have the same edits across different tracks...

And as far as MIDIChFilter, it does work quite well... (Thanks @scook) I set it up with just one instance and was able to drive three different sets of soft and hardware synths... I used three different midi channels with the same instance of MIDIChFilter...

But, for the record I am all for expanded midi capability... Feature Request: Add Midi Sends and Midi Aux Tracks

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31 minutes ago, SirWillyDS12 said:

Not true... You can use Linked Clips... With linked clips edit one clips and all others will have the same edits across different tracks...

And as far as MIDIChFilter, it does work quite well... (Thanks @scook) I set it up with just one instance and was able to drive three different sets of soft and hardware synths... I used three different midi channels with the same instance of MIDIChFilter...

But, for the record I am all for expanded midi capability... Feature Request: Add Midi Sends and Midi Aux Tracks

I've found that linked clips slow the machine down.

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20 hours ago, David Baay said:

It's not a bug; it's a missing feature. A bug is a feature that does not work as documented. It is not documented anywhere that one MIDI track can drive more than one instrument in CbB. The MIDIChFilter option is a workaround for the missing feature that was proposed by another user, and not verified or endorsed by any CbB developer. That said, I did a quick test and had no problem driving four instruments from two MIDI tracks outputting to two instances of MIDIChFilter. You'll need  to give exact sequence of steps to reproduce your problem with it.

I had gone through so many experimental deletions and additions of tracks and synths on the original project that I think I may have gotten things messed up somehow.

Starting afresh today, I have been able to set up what I want: a MIDI track feeding three bass synths (using an instance of midifilter), and a second MIDI track feeding two drum synths using a second midifilter instance.   So far so good.

It feels like walking on eggshells though... at some point a few of the bass notes started triggering the drums for no reason I could discover; just had to back out and start over.

And one thing is REALLY a bug: if you delete a synth in the synth rack view, all the inputs to other unrelated synths on their own tracks get reset to 'none', and you have to go back and restore them.  THAT is a BUG.

It is really frustrating to have to dance around the tools like this.    Clean robust MIDI routing should be a basic feature!


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35 minutes ago, xtenkfarpl said:

And one thing is REALLY a bug: if you delete a synth in the synth rack view, all the inputs to other unrelated synths on their own tracks get reset to 'none', and you have to go back and restore them.  THAT is a BUG.

I can't repro that. The input to the now-orphaned audio track for the deleted synth is set to None. The re-assignment of the MIDI output depends on how the remaining virtual outputs are ordered and where the now-missing output was in the list, but I;m not seeing that I/O assignments of other tracks are affected in any case.

As a rule, I would say deleting a synth without first re-assigning the tracks that use it is not a best practice. If you're going to re-use the tracks with another virtual instrument, you should using Replace Synth rather than Delete.

Edited by David Baay
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