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[CLOSED] Cakewalk 2020.10 Early Access 3 [Updated 5-Nov-2020]

Morten Saether

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2 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Thanks for stopping by. I'll PM you and we can discuss further. 


A strategy that allows creation of consistent structure in articulation maps can then be leveraged by using Streamdeck or other touch driven input devices to expedite the creative process.  Art Conductor is an example of that strategy in the Cubase world.

But I'll bet you are already way ahead of me on this path.

Edited by Steve Harder
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3 hours ago, Promidi said:

Re: MIDI transforms in articulation maps

Is anyone getting inconsistent results when trying to transform CC Events using articulation maps.

For instance, say I wish to invert CC11 events.  I believe I would use the following settings.

When I play, nothing happens to any CC11 events.  Also, when I apply the articulation map - nothing changes.

Am I  missing something?

Transform CC11.jpg

@Promidi - no, this is correct. Looks like CC transforms aren't working properly.

I've identified the issue (a typo no less) - this is fixed for the next release.

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In the Preference "playback and Recording" Under the Driver Mode, I set to "WASAPI Shared" and do some editing. Often the playback engine will have a fallout and stop producing sound. I have to restart Cakewalk to get the sound working again. I hope you will look into this.

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16 minutes ago, shan said:

In the Preference "playback and Recording" Under the Driver Mode, I set to "WASAPI Shared" and do some editing. Often the playback engine will have a fallout and stop producing sound. I have to restart Cakewalk to get the sound working again. I hope you will look into this.

Do you remember if this issue was present before the release of the 2020.10 ER? 

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18 hours ago, Keni said:



Thanks guys.


...with no replies I was beginning to feel as though it might be something here, but now with EA3 this appears to be fixed.



Hi. I get that it is frustrating if no one answers to you questions. There could several reasons why that happens. Maybe the questions is not clear enough, maybe it concerns something that in the eyes of others has very little priority, or maybe it is because only a limited number of members could answer the question and the have bigger, more urgent fish to fry, other questions draw the attention away, etc.... In this case, however, the problem as you state had already been fixed, which is great. Keep up the good mood and keep posting ?

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1 hour ago, Teegarden said:

Hi. I get that it is frustrating if no one answers to you questions. There could several reasons why that happens. Maybe the questions is not clear enough, maybe it concerns something that in the eyes of others has very little priority, or maybe it is because only a limited number of members could answer the question and the have bigger, more urgent fish to fry, other questions draw the attention away, etc.... In this case, however, the problem as you state had already been fixed, which is great. Keep up the good mood and keep posting ?

Thanks Teegarden...


Yup. I know... simply surprised.

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34 minutes ago, vlefteris said:

Is it possible please to make The Now time marker, to follow smoothly the screen, in the center, while in playback, without jumping to the next screen? I don't mean the pause/break, I know about this.

This thread is to discuss early access specific issues. For feature requests please use the  Feedback Loop 

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8 hours ago, shan said:

In the Preference "playback and Recording" Under the Driver Mode, I set to "WASAPI Shared" and do some editing. Often the playback engine will have a fallout and stop producing sound. I have to restart Cakewalk to get the sound working again. I hope you will look into this.

When reporting dropouts please mention the dropout code. Did you already look up the help for the dropout from the link in the message?
There is no way to diagnose this without the code.

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I'm finding that in #03 the vertical scroll bar on the Arrangement sections no longer scrolls the list of sections up and down when there are more sections that can be displayed in the screen area. I think this was working in #01, but certainly in 2020.09 

Rolling the mouse scroll wheel, when the mouse is over the list of sections, will move the list of sections up and down though

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Articulation maps  Wow... Thanks -  the "follow" channel parameter is just what's needed. I now have a single articulation map file for Octave 0 . and I can easily make one for any octave or any specific instrument.  This is brilliant... and a helluva a quick turnaround time too!!

One small thing.   If I edit and modify a .artmap file and export it under e a new name the name within the file doesn't change making it confusing if I am using both the original and the modified maps. I have had to go into the code and change it... not difficult, not for the faint of heart.

e.g.  I changed the the parameter  "Ch1_GPONotation"  to "Universal_Octave0"  to match the name of the .artmap file.


      "ArticulationMaps" :



                  "name" : "Ch1_GPONotation",

                  "groups" :


                        { "id" : 1, "name" : "NotationKeySwitches" }


                  "articulations" :

Edited by DocBob
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As it turns out, the sharing violation isn't solved with the update of Steinberg elincer. When I close cakewalk and open again and start working on my test-project I have the same sharing violation when saving. So I "save as" and can then save the new project as long cakewalk is open. But when closing and restarting cakewalk the same problem appears. 

My old projects without articulation maps are not affected, there I don't have this issue up to now

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Found an another couple of slight issues with MIDI transform in articulation maps

In the Transform Existing MIDI Events section, if user has entered "Ch Aft" or "Wheel" for the Kind, the "Key/CC No". should be greyed out.

Also, if "Wheel" is selected for the Kind, the allowable range for the vel/CC field should increase to -8192 to 8191 rather than the 0 to 127 for other "kinds".


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Another idea about key switching in articulation maps.  Could there be an option to copy the key switch note to the midi track so that exporting midi includes the key switches? This would allow music notation programs to recognize the articulations.

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13 minutes ago, DocBob said:

 Could there be an option to copy the key switch note to the midi track so that exporting midi includes the key switches?

Exporting a project that contains key switches as a MIDI file already exports the key switches in the MIDI file.

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Thanks to all of the bakers and testers for a most substantial release.  While Articulation is understandably sucking up a great deal of oxygen, I just wanted to focus a few comments on the VSTi instrument definitions feature as well.

Using the S-YXG50 VSTi, and a custom instrument definition, I was able to select defined patches using the patch browser.  This is a great improvement over looking up banks, patches, patchnames from a separate table document.  However, it also leaves me considering the limitations of this new feature. 

During my test, I performed the following:  With a valid channel selected, and the patch browser window open, I selected “List Patches From” to choose SYSG50 (my custom instrument definition).  The browser then displayed the available defined instruments in the window, which can be successfully auditioned only after I selected OK and closed the browser.

Q1).  Is it possible to audition patches based on where the cursor points in the patch browser, rather than requiring the user to hit OK and close the patch browser?  In other words, I would like to audition live parts by scrolling through the patch list just using the arrow keys.

Q2).  Is it possible to show the selected bankname and patchname in the console track?  I believe that this linked information currently comes directly from the VSTi internals, but perhaps it could be redirected to the output of the “List Patches From” feature whenever <default for instrument> is not the selected list?

Q3).  Once a patch has been selected using “List Patches From”, the task of changing to a second patch requires repeating the whole process from scratch.  Instead is it possible for this feature to store/remember any portion of previous selections on the same track?  (Selected instrument definition, Selected Patch).

By the way, I've attached a copy of the SYXG50 instrument definition that I created.  I couldn't find one elsewhere.

SYXG50 custom.INS

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