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Kevin Walsh

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I'm having real trouble dialing in the mix, your feedback is very appreciated. 

Update: Mix #3 just posted,  your feedback has improved the mix a great deal. I know it's getting better because I'm now hearing all of my mistakes. :)


Edited by Kevin Walsh
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Great vocals and a very creative bridge. I also liked the loose intro. I agree with Paul about the bass getting buried , and I think a little on the drums.  I would try and get a deeper kick..  I'm in the middle of one now with tremolo Teles' and some moving pans and having real problems getting a smooth mix. I had to back off on the pans and really get the guitars levels smoothed out with the rest of the instruments. I love the tone of your guitars and the fills they're doing  , especially the R guitar. From listening to your other works I know you'll get it done ..   mark 

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Thanks for the feedback, guys. I did goose the bass up a little bit (actually re-did the whole bass line to give it a more flowing feeling.) I posted a new mix for you to review.  Sabby,  I don't really know how to play keys so I don't guess I'll be putting a  Hammond part in there, but you're right, it might just sound cool. 

Thanks, keep the feedback coming!

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Another track that groove eased me into the day, having been roused from a haze at 04:30 this morning because our lovely hound decided a patrol of the property both inside and out was needed.

Mix is very effective @Kevin Walsh. Not sure the furry ears are awake enough to catch all the lyrics.  I like though I even went back for a second listen.

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I think I heard mix #2? I'd say get some more low mids into the bass? Or overall, bass volume up even more? I love an out front vocal and your is a treat, particularly when its doubled in the chorus, or with the bgv's. But to help the overall balance, maybe drop the lead vocal volume just a hair?

You have an acoustic stumming along and some of the highs on that are very bright indeed, super bright steel strings jumping out in spots, if this were mine I would drop the upper shelf down a bit . . .

You've made some cool, laid-back choices for this, nice job!





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3 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

I think I heard mix #2? I'd say get some more low mids into the bass? Or overall, bass volume up even more? I love an out front vocal and your is a treat, particularly when its doubled in the chorus, or with the bgv's. But to help the overall balance, maybe drop the lead vocal volume just a hair?

You have an acoustic stumming along and some of the highs on that are very bright indeed, super bright steel strings jumping out in spots, if this were mine I would drop the upper shelf down a bit . . .

You've made some cool, laid-back choices for this, nice job!





Tom, thanks for the great feedback. I'll give the things you suggest a whirl and post a new mix soon.

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I've posted a new mix (#3) with Tom's feedback incorporated. It sounds a lot better to my ears, thank you for the help! One thing, is the acoustic too much? I'm relegated to mixing with headphones these days and it's pretty difficult to get things balanced that way. Your help is very much appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/23/2020 at 11:04 AM, DeeringAmps said:

Must be the "power of suggestion" 'cause I'm hearing something...


I too am lovin' those guitar tones, especially the ambiance on the single note lines.


Now that you mention it I think I put some strings in there. ?

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