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How to use the M-Audio Keystation keyboard with Cakewalk?


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My new Keystation49 controller does not have a MIDI in or out.  It only has  USB connection.   My Roland MIDI controller has MIDI in and out which plugs directly into my digital audio interface.  How do I use the Keystation keyboard with Cakewalk as it is supposed to plug directly into my computer?  How do I tell Cakewalk to listen to the keyboard?

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Once you've connected the Keystation49 to your computer, select the inputs in 'Edit Menu / Preferences / MIDI / Devices' and you should be up and running (no driver required).

You can also use the Keystation 49MK3 as a control surface (Stop / Play / Record) using the Mackie Control Option.

Keystation Configuration



Control Surface (Options Menu)


Edited by Songroom
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Thanks Songroom for the very clear answer here.  I appreciate it. 

So, one more question.  Under DEVICES it does list the Keystation 49 MK3 as you show and also my UMC404HD digital audio interface.  Is it OK to have both the keyboard and the DAI checked at the same time?  I am hoping so as there are times when I would want to play the keyboard and sing into a mic at the same time.



Edited by tdehan
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  • 3 weeks later...


I've just purchased the Keystation 61 Mk3. I've followed the instructions to use the Mackie control surface but I'm a little confused! The volume fader seems to work with Cakewalk Sound Centre but not with e.g. Z3TA2 or Addictive Keys?

Also, can I somehow set the volume fader to work with each track fader in Cakewalk?


Edited by Steve Shaw
Initial question resolved
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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Following up on this thread. I just bought a Keystation 32 for portable work, and I have gotten it plugged in, configured and working well with CW. However, it is inconsistent. Sometimes I plug it in and CW recognizes it and adds it, but then existing tracks which have the Keystation set as its input source still won't record input. And sometimes when I plug it in CW won't recognize something got plugged in in the first place.

How should I work with this thing so that I can get reliable results with CW? If I am not supposed to do something a certain way, like don't plug it in while CW is running, I can do that, but I just want to know so that I'm not having to cross my fingers and hope.

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  On 3/7/2021 at 8:17 PM, jkoseattle said:

How should I work with this thing so that I can get reliable results with CW?


The first thing to do is make sure that you plug the controller into the same USB port each time you use it. If that doesn't help, then unplug the controller and use Windows Device Manager to delete all existing entries for the Keystation. Then plug it back in and let Windows recognize it. After doing that, make sure to use the same USB port each time.

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  On 3/7/2021 at 9:32 PM, Starship Krupa said:

The first thing to do is make sure that you plug the controller into the same USB port each time you use it. If that doesn't help, then unplug the controller and use Windows Device Manager to delete all existing entries for the Keystation. Then plug it back in and let Windows recognize it. After doing that, make sure to use the same USB port each time.


Thanks. This laptop only has one USB port anyway, so no problem there.

I realize this is a bigger issue than only the Keystation. I'm plugged into a Surface Dock which has a Focusrite audio interface attached via ASIO. That's what I normally use. When I need to go mobile though, I need to change the driver mode to Wasapi Shared every time and then "jiggle" things in CW Preferences until sound happens. It's always hit and miss. 

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  • 2 years later...

You do not need to pass the KeyStation through the Saffire. Connect them both to the computer separately and follow the advice in the posts above with the Cakewalk preferences window. The Saffire is an audio device (both in and out) and the KeyStation is a MIDI input. 

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