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[SOLVED] Drawing a Blank on Early Reflections

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Hey All--

No, this post isn't on anything broken, for once!! ?

I've got a guitar part that I'd like to have quick and short little echos cascading after each note.

Should I be using an echo effect or delay? I know echo is a form of delay, but with the plethora of fx I have, how would it be categorized?

I'm drawing a blank and the fx I've tried with delay sounds more like reverb than what I'm looking for. I'd like that effect that's so prevalent in many U2 songs.



Edited by razor7music
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1 hour ago, Lord Tim said:

Like Colin said, doing a straight digital delay won't get you that effect because it's too "accurate" and clean in the high end - it's got to be a bit darker and dirtier. (edit: also, you know it's late when you miss the obvious pun right there! ?)


To be clear, I was just pointing out that The Edge was an early adopter of Korg's SDD-3000 digital delay and although the earlier albums can definitely be replicated (heh) with a tape-delay or analog pedal, the tones from Unforgettable Fire and Joshua Tree are pure digital delay.

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Try syncing your delay to your guitar part and experiment with eighth note and sixteenth note delays (or if possible, use the tap delay button if available).  You don't need to mix it too much, a little goes a long way, and not too much feedback.  That's how I hear U2. 


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So, I went through several delays and then I recalled another poster reminding us about previous versions of Sonar including fx from Blue Tubes. I'd overlooked them for years because I forgot what BT meant as it's listed in my plugin manager, etc.. Well, their OilCan Delay was exactly what I was looking for on my guitar part. I put this fx on a dedicated buss and have my guitar tracks' sends pointing to the buss. Doesn't have a sync to host feature, but sometimes with delays and echos the effect can get lost to the drums if the delay is right on the beat.

Easier to show you my settings than to try to explain them.



BT Oilcan DD.png

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