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Space Time Warped


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@User 905133 Thanks for the listen and comment the module "Random Task" is a purchase extra and does not appear to be in a bundle either. cost $20.  The Rabbit hole is very big and very extensive and you can be down there for days on end making minute tweaks and creating weird sounds.

Thanks again for your kind words.


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Cool track, I like how your main synth  sounds on the edge of breakup (distortion) but not too over-powering.   Gives it a nice classic prog sound.     The drum break around 3:03 is so well programmed, not easy to make fills like that sound realistic.   Very good stuff.



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@markno999 Thank you a little distortion here and there never goes a miss ? As to the drum break I can not take all the credit Superior Drummer 3 comes with some very cool breaks,  a little tweak here and there to make it fit and mine (mine do you hear me it was  all mine ??)


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