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Nembrini Sound Master Custom Tube Guitar Ampsim


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21 hours ago, DeeringAmps said:

iLok authorization onto iLok2, iLok3, Host Computer or iLok cloud

Ah, saved by the bell...

@Christian Jones

I know you love these guys so I was going to check out the demo, see what I am missing: but ilok, nah.

As to reverb, first thing I do with an AmpliTube preset is kill the verb. I can see where the standalone is a horse of a different color.
but I don't ride no more...


I understand the reticence for all things iLok and PACE, I had an aversion to them for the longest time from my exposure to PACE a very long time ago. But about 18 months or so ago there was something I really wanted that required the PACE Software iLok manager thingy, so I backed up my system drive and bit the bullet. All was fine, so I kept adding new plugins I wanted that required the Software iLok manager. Then after reading about the possible issues involved with the software variant if your HD died etc, I decided to get a physical iLok, transferred all my Licenses over to it, was smooth sailing during and after the transition.

Glad I finally overcome my PACE/iLok hesitance, because I wouldn't have found the best Amp Sims out there for me, Softube, wouldn't want to be without them.

Not trying to talk you into PACE/iLok, I certainly understand it, but if like me you had a bad experience years ago, things seem to have changed a lot for the better. But if you don't feel comfortable, I would say don't do it until if and when you do, or if and when you find some plugin you just have to have. There certainly is life without PACE/iLok, but not for me anymore ?

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I have the iLok on the old Cat here in the office. My embroidery software is PACE protected; so a "dongle" there.
Lots of vendors have gone away from the iLok, so I've never had to install on the new Cat in the studio.
Frankly it was an "easy" to cure my sudden GAS; just being honest.
I love it when there's an easy way to say "I don't really need this"...


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22 minutes ago, DeeringAmps said:

I have the iLok on the old Cat here in the office. My embroidery software is PACE protected; so a "dongle" there.
Lots of vendors have gone away from the iLok, so I've never had to install on the new Cat in the studio.
Frankly it was an "easy" to cure my sudden GAS; just being honest.
I love it when there's an easy way to say "I don't really need this"...


I can understand that. I severed a tendon in my left wrist at work once. Didn't think about buying a new guitar pedal for several months!

Edited by RSMcGuitar
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On 6/16/2020 at 9:14 AM, Craig Fowler said:

Which of the Fender-type sims do you prefer? @ensconced

Sorry I didn't see your post, and have been otherwise occupied with family issues. It would be either Fender Collection or Fender Collection 2 take your pick, for Amplitube. Plenty of models to choose from and pretty much all give you close to that authentic Fender vibe/feeling. Also the Fender amp in the Softube Vintage Amp Room does a fine job, and Kuassa Matchlock is no slouch either, and with A360 things a are better still.  I use them with Redwirez IR's, a Fender Twin with Jensen C12N's mainly, or another Redwirez Twin or Tweed Deluxe or Deluxe Reverb IR's, sounds pretty good. I have used a few Fender amps in my time, still have 2 or 3 packed away in storage, the above are the closest I have found to the Fender sound/vibe/feel.

I use to play around now and then with the Custom 57 or the 'Duke' (loosely based on a Fender Super Reverb) from S-Gear 2, but that was years ago, they weren't strict Fender emulations, but I never really liked S-Gear much anyway so never used them much. Haven't used S-Gear in years, and always thought it was highly over rated. There was a few in ReValver, Amp Clones, they sounded ok, but you know, not quite there really, and a couple in BIAS, again sounded ok but not quite.

This here Sound Master thing sounds ok, but to me not a real authentic sound, especially when upping the gain, seems to go out into anymans land, where it can sound like any other Brand emulation. Wasn't to impressed with it overall really, it sounds ok, better than dragging a knife up and down a cheese grater I guess, or pegging cardboard in your bicycle spokes?. I have yet  to find any of his Amp Sims that I have kept, bought and sold 2 of them, then just demo'd the rest. At the intro price it would be good if they done it for me, but alas. To me they suffer from a similar thing to PA Amp Sims, which is no surprise  ?. PA Amp Sims all have this hideous thing about them, apart from the cabs (recording chains as they call them?) all totally sucking the big one, I don't know, just something that sounds like shite to my ears. Again would be good if they done it for me at the prices you can get them for. I had them all up until when they released the Deizels, gave them all away.

imo ymmv etc, etc, etc . . .

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