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How Low Can You Go??

Steve Patrick

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Apparently and weirdly not as low as I used to.  

Seems I've developed a strange hearing problem with low bass notes.  At first I thought I'd discovered that one of the basses in the Modo Bass package was out of tune.  I mean really out of tune.  The song was in G and every time the low G on the E string was played it sounded way flat.  So, I switched it out for a Trilian bass but guess what?  No, go on, guess.  The low G on that one was flat as well.  As was every other bass I tried.  So, it's me being unable to discern the low G accurately.

Only it gets weirder.  I can hear notes below and above that low G just fine and in tune.  

It's hell gettin old:-)


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12 minutes ago, Steve Patrick said:

Seems I've developed a strange hearing problem with low bass notes.

Hey Steve,

Sorry to hear about that. Three years ago I lost low frequency hearing in my right ear. For a while I was hearing a weird harmony on certain notes, as well as weird robotic sounds. After about 6 months or so, the robotic sounds and weird harmonies thankfully disappeared, but I'm still left with the low frequency hearing loss. Thank God for spectrum analyzers! Low frequency hearing loss is rare, and doesn't usually have anything to do with listening to loud music, or so I was told.  The ENT I went to when it first happened gave me a series of of steroid injections into the ear, but sadly did not work. The ENT said it was probably caused by a weird virus.  

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33 minutes ago, Steve Patrick said:

Apparently and weirdly not as low as I used to.  

Seems I've developed a strange hearing problem with low bass notes.  At first I thought I'd discovered that one of the basses in the Modo Bass package was out of tune.  I mean really out of tune.  The song was in G and every time the low G on the E string was played it sounded way flat.  So, I switched it out for a Trilian bass but guess what?  No, go on, guess.  The low G on that one was flat as well.  As was every other bass I tried.  So, it's me being unable to discern the low G accurately.

Only it gets weirder.  I can hear notes below and above that low G just fine and in tune.  

It's hell gettin old:-)


Who is this character, and what have you done with Yoropal?

Just chiming in to say you have been one of my favorite musical pleasures in the past ten years. I've listened the hell out of a lot of your Soundcloud tunes over the years. Highly recommended!


So send me your dodgy lowdowns and I'll be happy to tune 'em! 

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Not the same situation but similar. A couple of years ago I started to notice distortion in one of my guitar vsts and I wondered how that didn't pass quality control somewhere. And then I noticed the same thing in an organ vst. Asked a friend of mine to listen but he didn't hear anything unusual. I used an equalizer and found the distortion happened around 4200Hz in my right ear.
Got a hearing exam which showed a decline in my hearing but nothing really stood out. The audiologist didn't have any explanation except the usual "you're getting older."

Anyway, the problem seems to have gone away and I hope it stays that way. Hope yours resolves as well.

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Pffft, I pretty much can't hear cymbals in a full mix.  Generally I can hear the cymbals in a full solo'd drum bus mix fairly well. If I send my collaborators a mix where I can really hear the cymbals the way I like I'm sure you can imagine what they say. "Turn the frackin' cymbals down!!!!"

Did some online tests and it appears I really start to lose it 6KHz and above. So I really rely on my ability to just barely hear the cymbals in a solo'd drum bus mix and I am usually not told very bad things about the cymbals in a mix.

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Thanks a bunch, emeraldsoul, ol pal...if you've been listening to me on Soundcloud you should switch to my Bandcamp page doghouseriley1.bandcamp.com

(and for some strange reason...and/or...I don't know what the heck I'm doing...more likely...this new Bandlab forum thingy won't let me use my musical persona)

What's funny about this new development is that I can hear notes lower than G just fine...it's only that one note.

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47 minutes ago, Steve Patrick said:

What's funny about this new development is that I can hear notes lower than G just fine...it's only that one note.

Sounds like you need a tighter G string Ol' Pal.






Cue S.L.I.P ................

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16 hours ago, Bapu said:

Pffft, I pretty much can't hear cymbals in a full mix. 

? Too easy ....









......... must ..................... not .................................. be ..................................................... sarcastic ? ☺️

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