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Losing Hope

Harry C.

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I'd sequence the third phrase of each stanza (in the verses) down or up a whole step for variety(it can help to avoid that iambic bouncy-ness).  Otherwise, I like the musical performances, and it's an interesting perspective on this whole mess that we call society.  :D:D (democracy is messy <col. rumsfeld>)


Edited by David Sprouse
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Thank you very much Bjornpdx, I am amazed that you can still remember my older songs. The song Slave Of The State has a very special meaning right now.


My Songs on Youtube can you find here:
Ciodontrax Videos


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Hi Harry, nice toon. Guitar tones are schweet. Vocals are nice. The double speed feel change is an excellent choice. I kept waiting for some doubled harmony vocals and they came in a little too late for me. A personal taste thing I'm sure.


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I echo the comments above concerning the use of a piano in a metal song and that interesting change up.  The song was not what I was expecting but it all worked very well indeed.  Thanks for posting the link - I look forward to listening/looking at your other creations.  Well done!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Harry C. -- good question!  I guess for a number of reasons:  the picture;  lyrical subject; and to me it brought up images, not of the many varieties of today's metal, but what was called metal back in the olden days (late 1960's and early 1970's).  To me that seemed to be a transition time from psychedelic to what was to be called metal.  However, that is an opinion and you know the value of opinions. ? Anyway, I enjoyed it.

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