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"Tongue Depressor Symphony" (with video) - mix ideas??


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Hope you all are safe! This was begun in 2017. The video is  .  .  .  well, I'll let you figure that one out if you want. I'd dearly love mix or other comments, this one was suprisingly tricky for how simple it was. I dunno. 

the Soundcloud link is below as well.  thanks!  -Tom



Edited by emeraldsoul
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15 hours ago, emeraldsoul said:

Hope you all are safe!

Alive and well here thanks!

3 hours ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

I got it.

Yeah, I think I did too...

Well except

5 hours ago, garybrun said:

What was the fire meant to mean?

Its lovely, had to laugh when the last video subject mouths "WTF"!

Print it!


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7 hours ago, garybrun said:

WTF  ?
Will take another listen later....  
What was the fire meant to mean?

I assure you the WTF was intentional and you are just as confused as I am. :) The fire, did it mean anything? It's an "anti music video" of a kind so all I can tell you is the fire is up for interpretation. You could, for example, interpret it as hilarious. Or, something else!

many thanks for the listen and condolences on the waste of your time, my musical friend.



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6 hours ago, Douglas Kirby said:

I enjoyed the listen - it made me think a bit of Enya. I liked the piano playing very much.

I thought the mix sounded fine.

Interesting video - very creative.

Thanks Douglas, it is Enyalike, I hear that. Many thanks for the listen!

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5 hours ago, Hidden Symmetry said:

This is great Tom. I thought both the song & video were excellent. I listened on laptop but it sounded really nice, full but could hear all the parts making up the mix. I also thought the video was perfect for it, I got it.

Excellent job all the way around.

Funny you should mention laptop because in the first mix of this, the bass completely disappeared in earbuds and even on decent headphones. there are two bass elements (8dio Adagio Bass, and the AGY YinYang) and I really had to eq them with boosts up north in the 500-600 range to get them present enough into the earbuds. 

If you got the video, thanks and again so sorry for the waste of your time :)



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2 hours ago, daryl1968 said:

lovely Tom - really nice chord changes - beautiful piano playing

Mix-wise the 'acoustic guitar' is too loud when it comes in for my ears and I'd like to hear more kick and less snare

Mix tips from you are gold.

You should have heard the acoustic guitar before I turned it down  :)  I'll get on that.

Too much snare is a definite recurrent pattern in my mixing, thanks for the observation. In a song with a vocal I'd be more careful but here I'm ok if the snare kind of drives it. Worth a look, tho.

cheers and thanks!


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1 hour ago, DeeringAmps said:

Alive and well here thanks!

Yeah, I think I did too...

Well except

Its lovely, had to laugh when the last video subject mouths "WTF"!

Print it!


Hey Tom! People have been imputing meaning into "fire" since man was but a wee tadpole. And so it continues! Yes the WTF ending is my favorite as well, many thanks for sticking around until the end!



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Truly unique sense of humor you have there!  Teeth to piano keys - nice.  The WTF at the end - nice.
The burning building - hmmm.  Really liked the music (esp the Gamelan (?) intro) and the performance is excellent as usual.
You always brighten the day for me.

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Well Tom . . . at first, I listened to just the music on my iPhone and found it very introspective, lots of depth, and your piano playing always shines through it all, especially in the last part of this . . . Then, I listened on larger speakers while watching the video, and found the comedy and the humanity very refreshing . . . the aah vocal pads take on a new meaning visually. The fire scene in the middle reminded me that there is always a tragedy occurring somewhere . . . putting it all in perspective . . . then back to the humanity, and you introduce animals more prominently which makes it more global than just human. I think you have a lot to say, and I like the way you say it.

For mixing, I think if the bottom end became more prominent at the apex of this piece it would soar even higher (on larger speakers . . . or in the cinema!)

 . . . as always, WTF will he come up with next ?

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Well that's the strangest thing I've watched this week, but hey it's only Tuesday and we live in very strange times indeed. ? Loved the instrumental - don't dial that guitar down for me, I thought it sounded just great (was that a 12 string - if not what FXs are you using)?

As for the video - dentists make me shudder (yeugh) but once I got past that I thought it was pretty cool - 'anti-music video describes it pretty well I reckon.

Keep up the great work


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I very much like the smoothness of the track.  I like it when things don't jump out too much. Very well done.  Some other instruments introduced here and there could be a plus, but what is there is well mixed.  I didn't watch the whole video because I was scrolling down to read the various comments.

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