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Another boring instrumental song


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I like it, but the drums (especially cymbals) are pumping and breaking up  in a way that makes me feel a bit queasy - overcompressed I would guess, and maybe also with some distortion/bitcrusher FX that's a little overdone...?

Edited by David Baay
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Not bored at all! I loved the changing time signatures, and I also hear the slight mp3ish quality to those cymbals but I was very impressed with what the drummer played, or how you programed it. Very very cool drum part!

video tip? I liked the vid, too. Can your video editing program export at higher than 1920x1080? If you can, export out at 2560x1440p and your YouTube render will get the preferred vp09 codec.  As is, right click on your vid, select "stats for nerds" and you'll see your vid got rendered with the AVC codec, which pixelates like crazy. I just learned this the other day, it's crazy. Check it out.




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Thank you so much guys for the feedbacks 

I have terrible ears when it comes to drums especially cymbals and hihats, as a guitarist to me they sound just okay ?, but I would love if you can share your experience, I mean like EQ and Compression techniques on cymbals, I know some people will suggest me to use my ears but really they are sounded okay to me haha, I'm using Addictive Drums 2 and of course I did tweak the preset a little bit. 

Oh ya about video export, sure I will check that out later, I bought Hitfilm Pro on humble bundle a few months ago but I haven't really experimented with it

Again thank you so much for the feedbacks I really appreciate it 

Cheers and stay safe everyone 

Edited by FMented
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45 minutes ago, Douglas Kirby said:

I thought the drum track was very cool - lots going on there. My only crit is that I wish the song had been a bit longer.

Sure I will make it longer if I can find a good singer for this song 

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18 hours ago, mark skinner said:

I absolutely loved the music and feel of this.  I would maybe lose some of right cymbal hits and and try to get a little 808 sizzle in the remaining ones. This was a song that makes you Wan't to sing.  Great job .    mark

Thanks for your suggestions Mark, have a great day 

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@FMented Nothing boring about instrumentals, it is my thing, agree the drums are some what squished as it the whole thing. 

What are you using for drums.

Settings on EQ and Comps are always something that is really mix related, however my preferred drum compressor comes from Boz Digital +10dB suite, which used to include Pro Channel modules, I think it still does.

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4 hours ago, Wookiee said:

@FMented Nothing boring about instrumentals, it is my thing, agree the drums are some what squished as it the whole thing. 

What are you using for drums.

Settings on EQ and Comps are always something that is really mix related, however my preferred drum compressor comes from Boz Digital +10dB suite, which used to include Pro Channel modules, I think it still does.

Thanks @Wookiee I will check it out 

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