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How to record/edit cc 114 /115 ? [Answered]

Colin Nicholls

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Folks -

Q1. Why does Cakewalk not record cc 114 and 115?

Answer: It will if you plug the OUT cable into your MIDI interface.

Q2. Is there a way to customize the list of controllers in the PRV controller drop-down list?

No, but @scook points out that you can just type the number of the controller you want, even if it is not in the list.


Edited by Colin Nicholls
Sometimes we are stupider than we could imagine
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  On 2/7/2020 at 9:42 PM, scook said:

Don't believe so but you may enter the number directly into value field.


Doh! Yes, that works. Thanks scook for being a timely and bottomless resource of knowledge.

The bigger problem is why Cakewalk isn't recording these events in my performance.

Update: It doesn't seem to transmit them, either. Well, bollocks. I need to test this in another DAW.

Update 2: Or, I could just test it again in Cakewalk with the correct MIDI cables plugged in. And the patchbay set appropriately.

Move along folks, nothing to see here.

Edited by Colin Nicholls
I feel so much smarter now that the MIDI cable is plugged in
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