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What new updates would you like to see in 2020 to Cakewalk - CLOSED.


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Export Markers (in multiple formats: drop frame, non-drop frame, time with milliseconds, etc.).

I do a lot of video and voice over work with Cakewalk. As such, I need to export up to 1 hour or more of either voice over or narration, and then split that up into 50-75 individual audio files, then import into PowerPoint or other software. I've developed a workaround utilizing print markers to pdf, then manipulate for import into Sound Forge, but would really like to bypass it.

In addition, I work with Premiere Pro and Audition. It would be handy to have interchangeable marker files to export out of Cakewalk.

Thank you for your consideration...and keep up the top notch work!

Edited by Walter Treppler
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Global FX engine on/off expanded to 2 instances and enhanced.

One as it is with a possibility of automation: "Off" on record / "On" on playback and..

fully customizable second button, where you can specify which tracks to include in "global FX" on/off function.

This is to reduce / have more control over latency with  FX heavy projects.



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  • Save clip's AudioSnap tempo map in project
  • Aim assist line not stuck against left border
  • Snap working in staff view
  • Selection editing in staff view like in PRV and track view, with the new green line that lets you shrink, expand and move the selection
  • Right clicking on a note in staff view shows the context menu
Edited by Mario Branchi
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On 2/16/2020 at 5:14 AM, CosmicDolphin said:

1. Nested Folders please

2. Gobal Midi transpose + / - button

3.Indexing of the sample folders..a simple text search can tie my machine up for over 5 mins ! ( I have about 400gb's worth ) 


I like the global midi transpose idea, but it would have to bypass channel 10 or midi drums would sound very 'interesting'.

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14 hours ago, Davydh said:

I like the global midi transpose idea, but it would have to bypass channel 10 or midi drums would sound very 'interesting'.

I'm sure that existed way back when. Trouble is, I would say channel 10 being (exclusively) used for percussion is pretty rare these days.

Also want nested folders.

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Everything Staff View - another vote from me.

But maybe most of all - remove the triplet thingy that there has to be three triplets notes everywhere - what beat is doing that?

All shuffle is 1st and 3rd triplet - and you cannot do shuffle?????

At least allow to insert manually a triplet rest, not smooth, but at least doable if that stays.

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Customizable SmartGrid resolutions!

Currently SmartGrid dynamically determines resolution depending on zoom level. I'd like to be able to edit/customize at which point SmartGrid dynamically changes its resolution AND/OR to be able to set a minimum grid resolution if going all the way down to 1 sample (for example) is not really necessary but being zoomed far in is.

We can do this with manual snap to grid settings, of course. It would just make SmartGrid a little smarter!

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On 2/10/2020 at 9:51 AM, Starise said:

Maybe this already exists and I have not seen it or don't know how to use it.. A clip "re join" feature.  Both audio and midi. Maybe save an original file as non destructive. The split line goes away as if it never existed.

So many times I am adding something to a clip and don't realize or forget there are multiple clips  or want to treat all clips in the track the same, so I need to go back and add whatever it is to all of them individually. The other benefit to this is once "joined" as a whole the clip can be moved around as a whole if need be.

Another nice feature would be to select "save spare midi track" when freezing an audio track. I would prefer to see this as nested under that track and not located in another folder somewhere. This way you could export an audio mix and still have all midi in the same project without necessity to unfreeze to use it.

You can use the 'Bounce to Clip' feature to join multiple clips into one clip.

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Hide /Unhide all muted tracks and take lanes globally, with a single button...  perhaps even "freeze@archive"+hide / un-hide all non playing items.

So if you have a project with a lot of stuff that is "not playing",  but you want to keep it "in project",   this will make it cleaner to work with and reduce the usage of computer resources. 

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