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My Ferengi kitten

Michael Vogel

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6 hours ago, Wibbles said:

Their true nature is never far below the surface ...



... but in deference to Ed, I won't post any links.

You can if you like.

I just was realizing how many deceased older folks I ended up being the one that did the check-in on them to find them dead.  Let me tell you it is over a half-dozen ?.  I didn't realize that until I remember the lady with the cats. At least her son took the cats in.  Anyway it is funny how some cats are loners and others want to be by people.  My wife really has gotten attached to the animals and now I don't think she would not to have a house of furry creatures roaming about.  They do entertain us!

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The moment has passed. :)

None of my current near-neighbours have cats - I know this from the lack of fresh cat shite appearing in my small back garden. I spend quite a lot of time visiting my mother, and her neighbours have cats. None of them are in the slightest bit interested in people. 

As much as I like cats and dogs, I've never been tempted to get one - too much responsibility. Owning a houseplant is too much responsibility for me.

My brother's partner is just about to get a new black Labrador puppy born a few weeks before  Christmas. I can't wait too meet her (it's a bitch). 


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So...  Are you implying that, if you hadn't checked on them, then they might still be alive Ed??? icon_bugeyes.gif

Kind of like a Schrodinger's Cat Owner situation?

Just to be on the safe side, should I ever get a couple of kitties (after I move to a new home better suited for them), there's no need to check on me!  'K? ?

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1 hour ago, Wibbles said:

I think the lesson is don't give Ed a set of your house keys in the first place.

Actually I was only a youngster into early 20's time frame.  My mom was the one entrusted with keys to so many of the neighbors houses she had them color coded with a separate sheet of paper locked in desk telling her which key was for which house.  Funny thing is my mom worked full time and on weekends too. You think the neighbors would of gave the keys to someone else.  I do have to say one thing about my mom, almost everyone that met her loved her. She was a wonderful lady.
(back to story) - I just happen to be the lucky one home at the time to go check on them.  Sometimes my brother would be home and we would go together.
It really didn't phase me. The hard one was having to go check on my dad as he  wasn't answering the phone. I knew what to expect but that was the hardest seeing my dad dead on the floor.  He didn't let any neighbor have any keys to the house!
  Funny on a different front is my SIL went to her first wake/funeral when she was mid forties.  By that age I couldn't even tell you how many wakes/funerals I attended already.    Anyway later today I'll post a few pictures of the new kitty meeting our dog. 

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It is interesting you posted those pics, since I had a stray kitten show up wanting to move in (stood outside crying till I let him in) a couple years ago that looks very similar. Do you know what breed that is? I was told it is a Dragon Li, but I am having a hard time believing it since he shows up half a world away from where he "should" be (body is long, tail is short, sways hips when walking and is dense like a rock). Mine has shorter hair, and the stripes turn into spots down his back, but I have never seen a cat like him in my life. I have not seen a potential sibling or parent to him around here either. I had a vet check his hips early on and she checked him out and said "Nope, that is just the way he is."

He was about a year old in this pic, camping out on the fridge. The hair there isn't his... oddly enough, this guy doesn't shed and has no undercoat.


Quick comment for folks who do not know this... Soft wood pellets (not hard wood) make exceptional cat litter. They absorb the smell of urine and expand when used, so cleaning is typically just the crap from the box till the pellets have been consumed (then throw the entire pile of dust out and start over). Clay just stinks (even scented), and keeps stinking when disposed of.  I have had numerous people say they didn't realize I had cats till they saw them because the house doesn't smell. I just chuckle and tell them the litter market is a sham. Soft wood pellets end up lasting 6-8 times as long for the same price to boot.

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The shelter had her listed as a short hair domestic. We got her from Feral Fixers. They caught the mom and delivered the babies, fix the mom and let her back out as she won't get along with humans. The kittens are then put up for adoption for a small fee after being fixed too and up to date shots. 

@mettelus Where do you get the small wood pellets from? I would be interested in trying them out.


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Thanks for the response. He has a checkup tomorrow for shots so I will quiz the vet again. Most vets default to domestic short/long hair unless it is an obvious breed. The ”self-domesticating” comment about that breed does stand out because that is exactly what he did.

The pellets are what get used in pellet stoves, so they are carried at Lowe's, Home Depot, and the like. Be sure to get soft wood pellets, they are roughly $5 for 40lbs. Even pet stores try to overcharge for them, but Lowe's here carry them right inside the front door. That 40lbs bag lasts roughly 2 months for three cats.

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1 hour ago, mettelus said:

The pellets are what get used in pellet stoves, so they are carried at Lowe's, Home Depot, and the like. Be sure to get soft wood pellets, they are roughly $5 for 40lbs. Even pet stores try to overcharge for them, but Lowe's here carry them right inside the front door. That 40lbs bag lasts roughly 2 months for three cats.

Thanks I think we shall try them at that price.

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Our first kitty way back when I was a young teen, came in through the basement window when the plumber was over. Water pipe busted. She came in and never left :D  My mom swore we are not keeping the cat.  2 weeks later my mom would kill if you harmed her little kitty  ( LOL ) .

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