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Vegan bullying :-(


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7 hours ago, Tezza said:

I personally won't go out to places where people are sitting there eating large slabs of meat, the smell disgusts me and watching them eat it and chew it is also disgusting.

I feel the same about cheese. It is Satan's smegma.

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à chacun son goût! ?

When I lived in East Africa for a while I got to taste flying ants and lightly fried grasshopers (solly littw glasshopper). A long time ago, but my recollection is that the ants tasted a bit like butter and the glasshoppers like corn flakes.

Is eating insects vegan?

Edited by JohnG
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As I said, I'm glad you are happy with your diet, and I'm happy with mine. Yours seems best for you and mine seems best for me. I hope we can agree on that. If not, there is no need to discuss it any further. We can just agree to disagree.

If vegan cured your problems Tezza, I'm happy for you. Strict Atkins/Keto cured mine so I hope you are happy for me. Before Atkins/Keto I was hugely overweight and frequently sick. Now I'm not.

If one diet was best for everybody, there would only need to be one diet book.

Dictionary definitions:
Omnivore: one that is omnivorous
Omnivorous: feeding on both animal and vegetable substances

You may not like it, but if you eat animal and vegetable food, you are an omnivore.

You can call yourself a vegetarian, but you aren't.

Around here we have a huge lagoon that when the Spanish came, they thought was a river. To this day it's called "The Indian River" but that doesn't make it a river. It's still a lagoon.

Tomatoes are called vegetables, and you can call it a veggie all you like but it's still a fruit.

A person who eats veggies plus dairy or fish and call themselves a vegetarian, but they are still omnivores.


I can't stand the smell of cooking cabbage or broccoli, so the fact that some can't stand the smell of meat doesn't prove anything. We all have likes and dislikes.

You don't go to places that serve big slabs of meat, and I do. I don't go to places that smell bad to me, but that usually involves the aforementioned veggies and strong onion smells.


Yes I know a good rancher, and this area is full of them. I've grown up in Florida, the second biggest beef state in the USA and I've been on at least a dozen ranches. I've seen the contented cows grazing on pasture more times than I could count.

Plus when I eat beef it's 100% grass fed and organic.

I'm sure there are bad ranchers too.

There are good farmers and bad ones, some over-apply cancerous insecticides and herbicides to their vegetables just to increase crop yield. Some GMO corn has insecticides spliced into their DNA. This is cruel to human animals.

The thing is; you can't classify all ranchers as bad and all farmers as good. Binary thinking isn't real. The world is full of shades of grey.


By trying to get others to quit eating meat you become the perpetrator of vegan bullying, what this thread is all about. Please don't do that anymore.

Can't you live your life your way and be happy with your diet, without forcing your "religious" views on others?

Live and let live. Let each person pursue his or her happiness.

The thing I stress is that you are right for you, but your right is not the gospel truth and is not right for everybody else.

I'm not trying to convert any vegan to become an omnivore or a carnivore. I've never heard of a carnivore trying to convert vegans into becoming an omnivore. Why is it then it's always the vegans and omnivores that call themselves vegetarians that are trying to convince others to join their cult? It sounds like "My religion is the only true religion and you must convert or you will face eternal damnation."


You make some good points about cooking food. The human brain started to increase in capacity when we started cooking meat (fossil evidence). There is a theory that is widely accepted but of course not proven that cooking meat whas the cause of that intelligence.


Humans have been hunter-gatherers every since they evolved into humans. There are 7 nutrients you can't get from veggies. I choose to be an omnivore. That's fine for me. Others choose their own way of eating. That's fine for them.





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58 minutes ago, S.L.I.P. said:

The replies/responses between Notes and Tezza are so long, I'm surprised they both have time to eat...

I think Tezza is just pissed at everyone because nobody liked his favourite xmas song which ironically is about making gravy for the roast dinner and includes the line...

"I'm gonna make some gravy, I'm gonna taste the fat"

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I was raised in a strict sect that insisted men wear short hair and women wear dresses at all times. I rebelled against all of that in a big way a long time ago. I personally don't prefer my hair longer, but I never faulted anyone who did, and if you ask me I think women could get into a lot more trouble wearing a dress than trousers :)

At an early age I determined that a bunch of smart asses got together and decided to add their own rules to a book. I still retained the core of the book but dis guarded all of that other BS. 

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, people generally like to make up a bunch of rules  they attempt to apply to everyone else. They even have the gall to think they are somehow better than people who don't follow the rules they made up.  Go figure!  

I really don't see this much differently. I mean, we all have the freedom to make our own decisions either for good or for bad. It can be a religious issue but I don't think it is here. Maybe more of a political issue that might have been spurred on by a religious issue. That being the case, we aren't supposed to discuss either one of those issues here. So for me, this is about only health pure and simple. If you eat a little meat it won't kill you and is probably good for you to have some protein. If you eat a strict vegetable diet you are imposing that on only yourself. It isn't necessarily a bad thing if you can get the protein through a non meat diet. I've been augmenting my meals with some vegetable protein powder I bought from Costco. Makes a great fast meal and a way to loose weight.

I have absolutely no reason to go either way. I mostly order turkey, chicken or salmon. A steak every now and then is a pure luxury for me. I don't think too much steak is good, but if you eat it every night it's all up to you what you do. Eating meat puts fat into your body. Your body can't deal well with too much fat. It ends up on your arteries. It can help to cause heart attacks if it's cumulative over a number of years and you don't work out to purge it away. One of my close friends just had a stint because one of his main arteries was 99% blocked. He had a high fat diet. For me, that's enough of a reason to go lightly on the red meat all else aside.

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1 hour ago, Mesh said:

I was always told to eat my meat, otherwise I couldn't have any pudding. 9_9

I had the opposite - not allowed to leave the table until I ate the vegetables. As a result I spent many a childhood hour sitting at a table staring at cold vegetables.

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7 hours ago, Wibbles said:

To a slab, I prefer ...



5 hours ago, Starise said:

 People generally like to make up a bunch of rules  they attempt to apply to everyone else. They even have the gall to think they are somehow better than people who don't follow the rules they made up.  Go figure!  

I chalk that one up to human nature .

IMHO , we all have those sort of issues concerning various struggles we may have to confront as individuals  .

How we deal with our success's  or failures  tells us and others a lot about who and what we are made of as individuals.

Now if I was smart I would not say another word , I'm feeling the holiday crunch and I want to feel a part of the fellowship here so here goes a long winded story ...lol

2 years ago I quit smoking cigs exactly this time of year ...

I would like to say virtue and will power played a part in that personal  accomplishment but virtue and will power did not play a part at all ...

The simple truth was I had gotten sick and had a cold that was heading into the middle stages of the flu ....

I was having a hard time breathing as it was . Every time I took a drag off a cig I coughed myself into seeing stars and almost peeing in my shorts   ...to make a long story short I said to myself I'm not trying to quit , I'll just take a wait and see attitude and not have a smoke when the desire hits me ...Admittedly it was tough , but coughing and putting a wet and gooey  shart in my shorts  was simply not an option ...

A few days went by and the physical addiction to nicotine had loosened its grip on me ....

I went w it and said OK lets see where this goes ....it has been 2 years of grace ....now what's the point of saying this ?

I did not want to become one of those flaming pontificating a hole's that run around pounding their chest like Tarzan  a top the highest tree in the jungle forcing their opinion on other kind folks of the jungle that have not had the good grace to have overcome the smoking habit ( or fill in the blank ) ...like I did ..it was by all accounts from my end an act of grace ....

" Live and Let Live "

In other News, 

Tarzan has recently set up a perimeter over by the rubber trees .

He has brought in the big guns ...the lions , tigers , and elephants to guard that section of the Jungle 

Tarzan figures folks should learn how to get by w out the use of a motor vehicle  ..he feels it's bad for the Jungle .

Tonight he is holding a counsel  meeting at 8 O clock sharp over by the fire pit to propose his new agenda   . Tonight's topic  will include a measure he plans to put forth stating folks need to learn how to  swing on a Vine as their main form of transportation .Just like he does ...it's good for the Jungle.



Edited by kennywtelejazz
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12 hours ago, Notes_Norton said:


As I said, I'm glad you are happy with your diet, and I'm happy with mine. Yours seems best for you and mine seems best for me. I hope we can agree on that. If not, there is no need to discuss it any further. We can just agree to disagree.

If vegan cured your problems Tezza, I'm happy for you. Strict Atkins/Keto cured mine so I hope you are happy for me. Before Atkins/Keto I was hugely overweight and frequently sick. Now I'm not.

If one diet was best for everybody, there would only need to be one diet book.

Dictionary definitions:
Omnivore: one that is omnivorous
Omnivorous: feeding on both animal and vegetable substances

You may not like it, but if you eat animal and vegetable food, you are an omnivore.

You can call yourself a vegetarian, but you aren't.

Around here we have a huge lagoon that when the Spanish came, they thought was a river. To this day it's called "The Indian River" but that doesn't make it a river. It's still a lagoon.

Tomatoes are called vegetables, and you can call it a veggie all you like but it's still a fruit.

A person who eats veggies plus dairy or fish and call themselves a vegetarian, but they are still omnivores.


I can't stand the smell of cooking cabbage or broccoli, so the fact that some can't stand the smell of meat doesn't prove anything. We all have likes and dislikes.

You don't go to places that serve big slabs of meat, and I do. I don't go to places that smell bad to me, but that usually involves the aforementioned veggies and strong onion smells.


Yes I know a good rancher, and this area is full of them. I've grown up in Florida, the second biggest beef state in the USA and I've been on at least a dozen ranches. I've seen the contented cows grazing on pasture more times than I could count.

Plus when I eat beef it's 100% grass fed and organic.

I'm sure there are bad ranchers too.

There are good farmers and bad ones, some over-apply cancerous insecticides and herbicides to their vegetables just to increase crop yield. Some GMO corn has insecticides spliced into their DNA. This is cruel to human animals.

The thing is; you can't classify all ranchers as bad and all farmers as good. Binary thinking isn't real. The world is full of shades of grey.


By trying to get others to quit eating meat you become the perpetrator of vegan bullying, what this thread is all about. Please don't do that anymore.

Can't you live your life your way and be happy with your diet, without forcing your "religious" views on others?

Live and let live. Let each person pursue his or her happiness.

The thing I stress is that you are right for you, but your right is not the gospel truth and is not right for everybody else.

I'm not trying to convert any vegan to become an omnivore or a carnivore. I've never heard of a carnivore trying to convert vegans into becoming an omnivore. Why is it then it's always the vegans and omnivores that call themselves vegetarians that are trying to convince others to join their cult? It sounds like "My religion is the only true religion and you must convert or you will face eternal damnation."


You make some good points about cooking food. The human brain started to increase in capacity when we started cooking meat (fossil evidence). There is a theory that is widely accepted but of course not proven that cooking meat whas the cause of that intelligence.


Humans have been hunter-gatherers every since they evolved into humans. There are 7 nutrients you can't get from veggies. I choose to be an omnivore. That's fine for me. Others choose their own way of eating. That's fine for them.





You just keep saying the same stuff. I call myself "mainly vegetarian" not vegetarian. I will call myself what I want. Did you hear this time???? Show me where I called myself a vegetarian....nowhere, so stop making up rubbish. The reason I call myself that is because it reminds me of where I stand in relation to my diet and where I want to go, it isn't about political correctness, but I don't have to explain that to you.  You seem most intolerant to others opinions while at the same time claiming that your opinions are being put upon.

I happen to think that removing red meat from the diet and lowering or removing meat intake altogether are good goals to achieve and that is what my opinion is and I will voice it if asked. You have created a delusion that supports your stance on meat. Happy cows on a big green ranch that have big families and live long happy lives and then the rancher gives them a painless injection and they fall asleep smiling and painlessly drift off into death and on to your plate.

Factory farming, slaughter houses, the live transport trade, these are disgusting, cruel industries where that meat on your plate comes from. Give up meat NOW!

When I go out with meat eaters, I will have a go at them about it sometimes, it's my right to express my opinion. They are also entitled to tell me to F%#k off if they want, it's the Australian way.  The truth is, I don't know anyone anymore who is not concerned about the treatment of animals and how that relates to eating meat. The restaurants and fast food places are changing their menus accordingly. So you are on the side of the doomed, enjoy your meat while you still can.

"Live and let live. Let each person pursue his or her happiness." "peace".

A shame you don't apply those same principles to animals.

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