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Cakewalk 2019.11.b63 periodically hangs (freezes)!


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Cakewalk 2019.11.b63 periodically hangs (freezes), which has not been with him for a long time! Hangup occurs spontaneously under different circumstances: editing, connecting / disconnecting VSTi, etc.  Rollback to any old version leads to problems even with simple playback, which I can understand.

But here is what is strange and what I cannot understand! The same project uploaded to Sonar Platinum 10.23.b14 is working fine.

I apologize for the machine translation.


Edited by Vyacheslav
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If your project hangs every time, the folks at CW would be able to tell you why if they had a copy of it.

Unfortunately, most hangs are nearly impossible to diagnose unless they can be reproduced consistently. Most are intermittent. If the project came up OK in SPlat, it could well have been purely coincidental. Most end up being hardware- or driver-related or the result of software conflicts and are rarely directly caused by the DAW itself.

That said, a couple days ago I experienced my first hang in many years. I did not report it because I had no idea what I'd done to trigger it. But it was definitely a hang and not just a slow process - I let it run overnight to be sure, fearing a corrupt project if I forced-closed the application. Fortunately, the project was not corrupted and loaded up fine the next day.



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1 hour ago, bitflipper said:

Most end up being hardware- or driver-related or the result of software conflicts and are rarely directly caused by the DAW itself.

Thanks! But for me (and not only for me! I write here and for several other users) for a long time there were no freezes, and they started from version 2019.11.b54, but I did not change the driver and / or system configuration.

Edited by Vyacheslav
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+1, same's happening to me. Any idea how to "debug" the hanging projects?

It's not happening to me when starting from scratch, so it must be something within the project ?

[Update] Also opening the project in Safe Mode and disabling all plugins didn't solve it.

Edited by glen dale
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10 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

If you can reproduce a hang please send the dump based on the instructions above.

Cakewalk hangs tight - it is impossible to open the Task Manager. It is possible to close Сake only by clicking its icon on the Quick Launch Panel and select Close Window there - then a system window appears with a choice of actions and you can Close Program.


10 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Do you have plug-in load balancing enabled by any chance in preferences | Audio | Playback and recording?

This parameter does not affect stability.

10 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Maybe some timing changed on your systems that is exposing a previously unknown issue.

Sorry, but I didn’t understand what you mean.

Edited by Vyacheslav
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I meant it could be some external software component affecting system timing. Especially since you say that rolling back to the last release did not solve your issue.
Try keeping task manager open first and then reproduce the hang. You should be able to then right click the cakewalk task and choose "save dump file".

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Latest update from my "debugging" approaches: It keeps freezing even after re-installing it or deleting the AUD.ini. Also switching the different Audio Driver Type (ASIO, WASAPI, etc) didn't change anything.

But: Opening the track in my older Sonar Platinum installation works perfectly fine. So I don't think, any external software component is responsible for the freeze (at least for me).

Maybe you also have an older Sonar Platinum version installed?


Cakewalk hangs tight - it is impossible to open the Task Manager. It is possible to close Сake only by clicking its icon on the Quick Launch Panel and select Close Window there - then a system window appears with a choice of actions and you can Close Program.

This also happens to me.

Thanks for your support!


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22 hours ago, Noel Borthwick said:

Try keeping task manager open first and then reproduce the hang. You should be able to then right click the cakewalk task and choose "save dump file".

Did as you recommended. The minidump was not created.

UPD Sorry! He ended up in a temporary folder. But its size is more than 3GB.

UPD2 And here is the crash. Minidam is created automatically. Little.

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@Noel Borthwick

1. After the OS crashes and restarts the large minidump disappeared, and I will have to “catch” it again.

2. I rolled back the RME Fireface UCX driver to a previous version and intend to see if the latest driver caused Cake to freeze.

Edited by Vyacheslav
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  • 1 year later...

I have updated my computer and installed my old Cakewalk X3 and new cakewalk. All worked perfectly on the old but now the new cakewalk freezers regularly and has become unusable . I am not experienced enough to work it all out so now can only use my old cakewalk sonar x3 without any probs . Its a shame as i love the new version ?

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