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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Lol man they really pissed off Zo! You know what I'm starting to think this is Zo's fault.. I mean, I certainly had nothing to do with it ?
  2. Yeah PA's prices have just in general gotten largely out of control imo. From this customer's perspective this perceived value they and others place on their plugs, such as $150 for a single amp, falls dramatically in my eyes when that $150 bassdude can have a resale value of literally $5 lol. Speaking only for myself of course, but respectfully, when I see a lot of these PA prices I perceive a gat dang rip off, not an upper tier product due to the high price tag. Like w/ that Subway footlong, that thing will never be worth more than $5 to me lol. Anyway I gotta get my costume together, Happy Halloween from H.I. McDunnough!
  3. Lol yeah not in a million years will that not be a total rip off for that software flanger. That's boutique hardware prices, not for some zeros and ones that's gonna have a resale value of $25 on kvr
  4. What's the link to this? I didn't get this email, assuming you're saying it's already been sent out.
  5. Hmm, this may be only $9 if you got that $20 gift that some of us got for "buying" Quadravox lol
  6. That Ampeg, imo, was just ok, but the Ampeg VR is where it's at....that one's not on sale and is $149. I demoed all the PA Ampegs when they became available recently and for me it was easily the VR being the best of them and of course that all comes down to my setup as well. It's now the only bass amp I use. Works well w/ the blackdist2 (rat).
  7. Man, this game we all lose
  8. I don't really keep up w/ Waves but I checked this out today and it's cool and I want it. You can get it for $50 here, but it was $29 recently. What's the chances it will go down to $29 for Black Friday or Christmas? Is it worth waiting and losing out on the $50 deal? https://www.bestservice.com/scheps_omni_channel.html
  9. Cool. Do you know what the demo restrictions are?
  10. Hmm, there appears to be no demo..
  11. I was messaging back and forth a bit w/ the guy at Nueral and he was very responsive until I asked if he'd be having any sales coming up.. never heard from him again after that, like he got offended or something lol whatever. In any case I wouldn't pay those prices; if I really liked and had to have something they had I'd scope it out on kvr like everything else.
  12. Same guys who did the "George Michael sax" that I was gonna buy and forgot https://www.embertone.com/instruments/sensualsax.php
  13. What do you think of his echorus?
  14. Heh yeah I also got an email saying I've earned $20 for this free plugin. So basically I get $20 off some other plugin for "buying" this Eventide plugin? lol
  15. You can resize it. Drag the bottom right corner where you can see a little tab. Or are you talking about the actual graphic layout on the MRH810?
  16. I'm in Seattle, sale ended 2:30pm my time - 11:30pm his time. I let it skate by and bought some other s#!t
  17. The Nembrini MRH810 is good for metal, but I'd say old school metal, not the super saturated modern high gain stuff. This amp is good for that Alice In Chains type of grunge metal sound. I play a style I call "Doombilly" which is basically a melodic stoner doom metal w/ some swing and twang. Sometimes the "twang" is more in the attitude but often I've got a legit twang metal guitar tone going. I play a Warmoth baritone strat w/ 14-62 strings tuned to A# standard. This is a sample of a grimy sludge doom riff I wrote earlier tonight. Here my signal is split and I'm running two instances of the MRH810 and playing through them simultaneously: The first MRH810 has the gain around 4 o'clock and the bx_yellowdrive in front of it giving it a tiny boost but no additional distortion. Second MRH810 is on the clean channel w/ the Kazrog Ram Fuzz big muff in front of it. Both amps are using the stock IRs. I haven't had a chance to try my OwnHammer IRs on this amp yet. This is a real grimy @ss doom metal sound, I'm still dialing it in and this isn't mixed this is just how I'm hearing it when playing. This is all ITB, but tonight I also ran a hardware big muff pedal into the MRH810 and it took it really well. Tomorrow I'll try the swollen pickle into it, but it's cool this Nembrini amp takes hardware pedals as well as software pedals really well.
  18. Anyone considering getting something from this sale keep track of this clock - sale ends at 11:30pm *his time* Sunday. If I get anything at all it'll be at the last minute because that's how I do things https://24timezones.com/time-zone/utc+2
  19. One guy was complaining about using it on synthesizers and the other guys that were having problem with it didn't really specify the source material. But most were complaining about how the level and output knobs do the exact same thing or something. Idk, is the psa1000 still worth getting?
  20. Wait a second.. are you *not* the owner? Your initial post comes off as if you are.. I guess that post was quote then sans quotations
  21. Lol why would the owner put a sad face on this comment as if this were out of his control..
  22. Hey Zo (or anyone else), I've been reading what people are saying about the Nembrini PSA1000/PSA1000jr on this thread here https://www.gearslutz.com/board/product-alerts-older-than-2-months/1260271-nembrini-audio-new-psa1000-analog-saturation-bundle.html - and many are saying how the wet/dry knob is unusable. A Nembrini developer chimed in and basically disagrees w/ them and he explains why, but then they in turn disagree with his explanation and continue to insist that the wet/dry knob is for the most part unusable due to the phase cancellation that's involved when using it etc. They want him to update it, but he doesn't seem on board. It sounds like you've been using the PSA1000, or at least I could have sworn I read here somewhere that you were so I'm wondering what your thoughts are on it regarding the use the of the wet/dry knob and the phase cancelation it supposedly brings. And as the developer suggested in that thread, you could always do a true parallel using an aux track, and that's probably the best option anyway, but still the wet/dry knob is essentially supposed to be for on board parallel processing yet many users on that thread are saying this knob is currently unusable as is. What do you think?
  23. Yeah, I've been buying a lot of s#!t lately. I was supposed to be saving for a Novation SL MkIII @ $700, but that'll have to wait a couple more months as I can't stop dipping into the savings and buying s#!t. I'm not not buying junk or superfluous stuff, just my priorities got changed around and I needed a second octave pedal. Yes, a second one lol.
  24. Carlos, when you can, download and demo the Brainworx Diezel VH4 and tell me what you think. Igor made that amp too.
  25. Damn that reminds me, his 80% off sale ends on Sunday... I was gonna let that skate by as I forgot since I've buying other s#!t too like the ehx micro pog I just got. I'll probably get Nembrini's PSA-1 emu. Have you tried a hardware PSA-1 before? I own one, and I wonder how close the software version is to it
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