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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. I asked that earlier and I don't get it either. I'm not getting anything but just curious on the details. I can't say for sure what they do if you *buy* something, but when you download a demo they email you an activation code (sometimes no code is required) and then you activate it to your ilok. But yeah, I don't get why the discount would be capped at 7.. seems like anything over 7 would be discounted the same..
  2. Are you doing this on the honor system? I mean are you fronting the money for this and counting on people to pay you back via PayPal Gift to get the serials from you? Because I was gonna say, if you can't reach 7 products for the 3rd order then perhaps someone can post a heads up on another forum - though if you don't know those people it's possible one of them could flake out and not pay you.
  3. I think I've been to bed twice since Zo's been up in here lol... ZO! What are you sleeping dude??
  4. Ok.. count me out. That's self-control. I could buy something from this deal but I'm not a collector and I've already cleaned up at the Nembrini 80% off sale (which just ended two days ago) and would have done the same even if this Nueral sale was going on at the same time. I won't lie it's hard to pass this deal up, but I've got Nembrini's Marshall, Soldano, The Boss (Marshall Guv'nor) and PSA1000 plus some great IRs and other top of the line outboard pedal vsts etc, and for my particular requirements I'm already more than set w/ some of the best stuff available on the market. The thing about these types of suites -- and that includes these Neural suites, which imo are the best suites of their kind on the market -- is that they're self-contained and designed to be *fully utilized* in order to get the best out of them. I like Nembrini stuff because it's hands down every bit as good as Nueral's except it's single high-end pieces rather than a handful of things in a suite and I can match them up w/ my own choice of outboard gear and not have to use or turn off features I don't want/like in a suite. But those are just my particular requirements, and I'm prioritizing and exercising self-control because this deal is temping af but I'm gonna let it skate by. That said, anyone in the market for the best d@mn amp suites available Neural is the company and *this* is the deal you need to get in on quickly. As for me, I won't regret not getting anything from this deal; I regret not wanting anything from it. **bows to the applause and standing ovation of his self-consoling concession speech over a d@mn plugin**
  5. What have you decided for yourself is the best of these guitar amps, if you could only have one?
  6. Lol when do you sleep man, seems like you've been up all night and day lol
  7. Zo, are you in France right now?
  8. So they're capping it at 7 and if you buy, say, 8 plugs then it starts over and the 8th one counts as one plugin and thus isn't discounted at 50% off? If so that's.. weird
  9. I'll let you know by tomorrow around this time - though, likely I'm out. But I didn't have time to demo stuff today but I can tomorrow afternoon. Feel free to order w/o me though.
  10. I thought about Paralax, but that thing it does that I think is it's specialty/selling point, which is parallel processing of two amp sounds (one for dirt and the other for clean foundation) I already do on my own w/ the Brainworx Ampeg VR and I have way more flexibility that way because I'm not bound to whatever fuzz/distortion they give you in Paralax, though Paralax is self-contained but in any case I've already made my bass amp decisions when I bought the Ampeg. Same for the guitar amps, which is why I'll likely not get anything from this deal. If they had had these sales earlier in the year I may have made different decisions. (did you ever sort out your missing Arturia presets?)
  11. Are you trying to do all this today?
  12. Kuassa Amplifikation Matchlock http://everyplugin.com/amplifikation-matchlock.html
  13. Not to discourage you if that's what you want to do, but are you sure buying both of those wouldn't be a bit redundant? Admittedly I've only demoed Nolly of the two, but I've read that if you had Nolly then you aren't missing much w/ Plini. That's just what I've read though and haven't verified it for myself. I suppose if you've demoed both you can determine that for yourself. Either way I think I'm out though. I am in the market for a great non-suite clean amp and will likely be getting Matchlock for $29 in a day or two. I really liked the clean amp in Nolly. I'll test it again, but I doubt I'll get it just for that.
  14. I didn't like Nolly's high gain amp. I'll demo Nameless today. I don't really like any modern high gain amp. But the first two amps in Nolly I thought were cool but I don't know if they justified buying the whole thing just for those.
  15. Right. I have the bundle and have for a few years now (and they've been issuing free updates) so as far as I know I already have everything they have.
  16. For me the Big Goat and HM2 is where it's at from that collection. I had the HM2 as a kid and hated it because it wouldn't do Metallica but now I get it. What do folks like the DS-1 for? In front of a Marshall for leads or something?
  17. I heard another dude that tried to use this code at the PA site.. got a pop up that stated a 29.016 minimum
  18. So then I tried this code at the Plugin Alliance site.. got a pop up message that told me to f*** off ?
  19. Yeah, I see now w/ more testing I've been overdoing this. I can just blend the two amp sims on thier main track faders since the faders have no effect on the gain staging of the input going to the amp sims - that's controlled by my front end and interface - and I don't need to be sending these tracks to buses for the sake of blending them. I see now that was some superfluous s#!t. Just a stereo Guitar Master bus is all I need for a "master volume" of those amps and for effects if any. I'm way better at guitar than this stuff. Thanks all.
  20. Well which of the aforementioned buses are you referring to as not necessarily being necessary? Well the reason I'm sending each of those amp sim tracks to their own mono buses -- and there are two audio tracks, each w/ their own amp sim -- is because this is a virtual dual amp rig where I'm splitting my guitar signal and playing through two separate amp sims simultaneously, and on the first amp sim track there's a cranked Marshall amp, on the second audio amp sim track there's an amp w/ a big muff and so these amps sound quite different from one another and need to be able to be blended to tatse and the only way I can think to do that while leaving the main track faders at unity is to send each of those tracks to their own separate mono bus (or aux tracks, alternatively) and blend them there. Then, the reason I then send those two mono amp sim buses to a Guitar Master bus is because once I've blended to taste those two amps on those two buses I then need a master volume for those two blended amps/buses. That's why that Guitar Master bus yet and still then gets sent to the main Master bus - because the Guitar Master bus is basically a master volume knob for this dual amp sim rig. If I were to just send both of those amp sim tracks to a single shared mono (or stereo bus) there'd be no way (that I know of) for me to adjust their levels separately to get the perfect blend of the two amps. Does that make sense? I know this is maybe a unique setup and maybe it seems a bit excessive but for the type of control I'm needing for these two amp sims this is the best way I can think to do it, but I not 100% on that.. Lol I thought I was being clever w/ this arrangement but I'm obviously no expert, though as I get a little better at this whole thing I've been trying to intuit stuff like this per my specific needs/ideas, and that's why I'm tyring to make sure my tees are crossed etc so I can skillfully manipulate stuff "correctly." Just to add: the reason I don't just dual track those two amps separately rather than playing through them simultaneously like I do now is because the dual amp sound *is* my guitar sound and always has been. I've always split my guitar signal between two amps back when I was using real amps, where each amp sounded quite different and my sound came from a blending of the two. These days I'm trying to replicate that in the virtual realm so that's what's going on here.
  21. I just tried this code at the Waves site and got their whole dang catalog for jack squat! Woo!
  22. I'm in there in CbB w/ my dual amp sim rig on two separate tracks and playing through them simultaneously when suddenly I notice the Interleave button on the tracks, which I've never messed with before. Clicking it alternates between mono and stereo Interleave. This confused me because I've already set the track inputs to mono, so what's this "stereo/mono Interleave" business? I searched and found this great post by bitflipper (7th post down) http://forum.cakewalk.com/m/tm.aspx?m=2956296&p=1 This explained it better than I had hoped for, but then he said this: "The output of every mono track will normally be routed to a stereo bus. This is not a conundrum, it's how it has always been. The single audio stream is simply split and sent to both sides of the stereo bus. The track's pan knob merely determines how much of the signal goes to the left side and how much goes to the right side." I always take what bitflipper says about Cakewalk as Cakewalk gospel so I'm only looking for a bit more clarification - because I had researched this previously and read several places that mono tracks should go to mono buses unless there's stereo effects on said buses. Because I run a dual amp sim rig, in order to keep the two audio tracks which the sims are on at unity but still be able to blend them I send each sim track to their own mono bus so I can freely blend the two sim levels to taste w/ each other. So basically I treat those two mono buses as if they were the main amp sim audio tracks and this way I can leave the initial tracks' faders alone and blend the two sims w/ the bus faders - and then those two mono buses get routed to a "guitar amp master" bus which is mono in the meantime until a stereo effect gets put on there, though I suppose this guitar master bus can be stereo from the get go if that's how it should be... Is it appropriate, for this particular scenario, that I use mono buses for those two amp sim tracks, or should those two buses even in this scenario be stereo? So after reading bitflippers post at the old forum, here's how I'm thinking to set things: The two audio tracks, each w/ their own amp sim for the dual amp rig, will be mono input tracks that are each set to mono Interleave - and those two tracks get sent to their own separate mono buses for blending purposes, and then those two buses get sent to a stereo "Guitar Master" bus (where any stereo effect like reverb etc would be placed) which ultimately gets sent to the main stereo Master bus. How does that sound? Thanks for that old post @bitflipper, that was rad, answered all the things.
  23. Though this is cool, I was hoping this would be a reworking of the Recabinet 5 IR loader itself. I suspect that may come when he releases his new amps
  24. D@mn.. I thought I was gonna come here and beat you to it lol.. You really *are* on top of this game cuz
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