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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. You oughta try deep fried butter. You probably know they take a whole stick and deep fry that sumbitxh. Of course, the butter melts so you end up w/ the coating and melted butter dripping out of it and you eat that cardiac s#!t while flipping your own heart off. I saw them make it at this beach carnival. They also had the twinkie but I got the fried oreos
  2. Never heard of that but deep fry a pencil and it'll be bomb
  3. Lol if there's a joke in there it's over my head.. is it a British joke? Don't even get me started on British humor.. Bottom shelf comedy.
  4. Yeah it's about what you were raised on too. I was raised on diner pancakes w/ heavy syrup and the McDonald's bacon egg and cheese biscuit lol
  5. What's good? It ain't sliced blood I know that lol. I haven't been there but as somewhat of a foodie I've had that cuisine stateside. But it's akways interesting to me what people's food tastes are and the different things they like. Like this guy I know who sips buttermilk like milk. Actually, it just occurred to me that one of my favorite dishes ever is Fish and Chips which originated in England so guess I answered my own question. What do you like to eat out there (assuming you're out there)?
  6. Wow so they didn't even improve the amps at all? I don't own this suite so I don't know that they need Improvement per se, but the high end amp sim competition is hot right now. I remember Shane from Kazrog saying his new amps are taking a bit longer than expected (he initially expected a 2019 release) because the competition for high end amp sims has gotten so hot and his new amps are still not out yet. @Marshall, I don't recall if you ever said or not, but between Nembrini and a comparable S Gear amp which did you think was better?
  7. Lol matter of opinion but compared to just about all of the world famous cuisines. If I were compare that cuisine to alcohol I'd say it's the Thunderbird of the cuisine world lol.. no big deal, it's just "food" ?
  8. Bottom shelf cuisine. Beans on toast ain't bad though w/ cheddar, black pepper and that HP brown sauce. I bought that sponge cake over 10 years ago just to keep on my bookcase. For the most part their food sucks.
  9. Hmm I thought you were in Japan, don't know why I thought that.. I try to keep a file on everybody here (not really). Lol do you have anything that you're 100% happy with though? I don't. I'm probably not even 85% happy w/ anything lol. And the thing w/ that Novation too is that using it as a midi controller for your daw is about the least it can do, as it's big selling point is controlling/sequencing and syncing hardware w/ it, yet a daw controller will be about my only use for it. A hugely glorified and pricey daw controller.
  10. Yeah it looks like the Novation SL MkIII 61 is $600 till the end of this month I guess
  11. Music to my ears anyway #deathmetalfan
  12. Yeah the Novation SL61 Mkiii is expensive @ $700 (though I know where you can get a new one for 15% off, free shipping and no tax*). But other than the NI 61 key @ $730 it's about the best thing going at that level. And that's what I'm saying, the lack of high end 61 key choices for MIDI controllers. Actually, I would've kept the Akai Mpk261 except when it arrived I was totally shocked at how short the keys were, about a half inch shorter than even an M-Audio controller - and the keys were very stiff and just didn't feel good. Sucks, because that Mpk261 has the best drum pads in the business, straight up. Super sensitive, playable, and just straight up awesome. But keys broke the deal. I also loved the look of the Akai mpk261, it has that classic Akai beats look and reminded me a bit of a Juno. I'm *still* mad about the keys, I really wanted to like that controller. So I'll pay for the Novation SL 61 Mkiii cuz that's about the best there currently is. No, the NI 61 lacks sliders (8 knobs, big deal) and pads and the whole deal w/ that board is they want you using Komplete w/ it, and though I have Komplete I don't use it that way - and if you don't use Komplete the way NI wants you to w/ that NI 61 board then that board ain't much more than a slimmed down stupidly overpriced midi controller. *Alto Music during just about any holiday, even little "holidays" like Saint Patty's Day, Cinco de Mayo, and that day they set up to honor that pos Columbus etc.
  13. Btw, I did try the Arturia KeyLab 61 and I couldn't bag it back up fast enough. They keys, they sucked. Real flimsy and they actually bent down quite easily after they were fully depressed. There needs to be more high end 61 key controllers the the Novation SL line and the NI board, though the NI board is severely stripped in comparison to the Novation.
  14. I was hoping something new was coming out, similar to the Novation SL MkIII 61, but maybe cheaper. I'll just get the Novation. I really hate slim keys but not as much as I hate short keys, like on the Akai mpk261.
  15. Are those Fatar slim keys? And does it require Kontakt full, that whole deal yadda yadda
  16. Some "analog" synth if that synthwave aesthetic is any indication
  17. I don't like it but as an amp sim user who runs two or more sims simultaneously I need the best latency in the business as well as the best drivers and audio quality, so I'll shell out for an RME interface and not even bother w/ anything else. It's been pretty amazing what I can get out of the lowly 9632 but I do hit the ceiling with it sometimes, so the UCX should be a good step up. It costs several times more than these popular desk top interfaces for even a used one but it is what it is. Remeber the Mackie Onyx interfaces? I followed the driver nightmare that ensued with those for some folks for a while but I don't know whatever happened with them, but I wish there was something comprable to the RME stuff but a bit cheaper.
  18. What do you see as wrong with the recording?
  19. Yeah that's cool how that happens. I grew up w/ the Roll the Bones album because that's what they had out and what was on MTV when I was getting into music.
  20. I'm still rocking an RME 9632 PCI card. This thing is old, I can't believe they still sell it and not only do they but it's also $550 just for the PCI card and no XLR breakout cable - that's more than many new audio interfaces for a nearly obsolete PCI interface. I was gonna upgrade at some point to the RME UCX, though that's about $1300-1400 away for a used one. Some of these newer popular interfaces are pretty affordable, like the IK and Audient stuff. I wonder how they compare to RME's stuff.
  21. Yeah I've been going back and forth for some time on whether to get Trash 2 or not. It comes up on kvr for $10 sometimes though I don't know if that included expansions or not or what those are even worth. I've just been concerned it'd end up another saturator/distortion thing in the folder
  22. D@mn. Another legend is gone. RIP
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