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Christian Jones

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Everything posted by Christian Jones

  1. Thanks @ensconcedI forgot that I wanted Chambers but never got it cuz it was $50 something. Now when can you get me Ovox for $29?
  2. Some cool instruments from Paper Stone Instruments including a vibraphone that I had wanted before and is currently $18.33 on this sale https://sampleism.us4.list-manage.com/track/click?u=e7d594a4df9a47cb6396ffe82&id=e43b9fd32d&e=fefa242ffe
  3. Yeah I noticed that about the big vouchers once they imposed that minimum spend, you can't use it on anything like this or that Chandler amp deal for example and that's lame. They should at least give you the option to regard your $75 voucher as if it were a $25 voucher if you wanted to so you could use it on a deal like this. Because the whole point in giving you such a large voucher is to reward you for your past large purchases but then they cut you out on deals like this, which goes against the spirit of that large voucher. They should have worked that out better.
  4. Yeah for $14.99 I got it, it's a one trick pony from what I've heard but I have a song that can use that old warm bass tone and that's a good price
  5. JUST $39.99 – 48H OFFER! Ampeg B-15N bass amp The World's Most Recorded Bass Tone JUST $39.99 TODAY!* Copy/paste this voucher code during checkout! (You can stack your personal $25 voucher on this bringing this to $14.99) B15N-3999 https://www.plugin-alliance.com/en/products/ampeg_b15n.html?utm_source=ActiveCampaign&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Ampeg+B-15N+⚡️+Just+%2439+99+Today!&utm_campaign=200809+-+Ampeg+B-15N+-+24H+Flash+Sale+Weekend+Warrior&vgo_ee=de%2Ffctp%2BzB759nv2Xn4RXvlMy%2BOWWuyaZunZiCXh6gI%3D Offer ends August 10, 11:59 PM California Time Defining the sound of electric bass, the Ampeg B-15N has been instrumental in everything from Motown cuts with James Jamerson to classic Stax records with Donald "Duck" Dunn. The 30-Watt, 1X15 all-tube power machine is filled with character, giving you a thick fundamental note that has been responsible for huge records from the ’60s and ’70s - Rock, Funk, Soul, you name it! Crafted by Brainworx, the Ampeg B-15N plugin emulates the circuitry, tone, and iconic beefiness of Ampeg’s Heritage B-15N amp.
  6. I've come not to expect to pay for *any* of the Elements. If Izotope doesn't like it they can blame Plugin Boutique for always giving them away
  7. Lol so not only is it a bad deal, but you personally even get a s#ittier deal than that ?
  8. It's actually $129 and it's a terrible deal Paulo. Really bad.
  9. I paid $15 for it on that other recent deal few weeks ago
  10. That's why it was funny dude. I was mocking bapu which I never really do for his refusal to go to fb to retrieve the code which wasn't even necessary cuz you had posted it right there. That said, no way I am going to fb to find that code, so I guess I'll be missing out on this deal ?
  11. Honestly I think that's a question for *you* to reflect on and answer
  12. Idk, I still might wait until the holidays to get Neutron 3 Advanced for maybe $99. I don't need it right now plus I'm about to drop $1400 on some acoustic treatment. I'm tired of playing this d@mn losing game of thinking a current deal, like Neutron 3A for $119, is the best it's gonna get for the rest of the year, only to see it like $30 less than the best deal ever just a week later. They got me like that recently where I got Nectar 3 for a great deal of $87 then a week later could've gotten it for $49. Poor me, poor me, pour me another
  13. I got it to work by typing "newpassword" (sans quotes) in all lower case. "NewPassword" didn't work. So a crossgrade from any Izotope product to Neutron 3 Advanced is $119.20 if anyone wants that - code: newpassword
  14. How do you cancel the default voucher? I was looking to do that actually but I can't see anywhere where that can be done. Anyway the default code takes it down from $149 to $126.65, but it would be $119.20 if that 20% off code worked on it
  15. NewPassword code not working for me on Izotope Neutron 3 Advanced crossgrade
  16. It sounds like something similar to when Waves and other companies take control of your computer remotely while you're on the phone with them in order to troubleshoot, but in this case the guy would be mixing on your daw and using your gear but with his expertise. Problem is, I get how the "physical" part could be done remotely, but not the audible part. How will this dude be able to *properly* hear what he's doing? I was thinking maybe he uses your daw remotely and can hear your daw through his studio monitors.. but then in that case why does the phone need to be involved? I'll give dude benefit of the doubt and assume he's not going to be monitoring over a severely hipassed phone signal, so.. @Dreamer, did the guy break the process down to you? Because now I have to know
  17. Yeah I'm tempted to get Neutron 3 Advanced for $134 or whatever at AudioDeluxe, but last time I recently got Nectar 3 full for $87 and thought that was a good deal but then a week or so after that I saw a deal for it for $49 in some bundle. Does izotope have even better deals on Neutron than this during the holidays?
  18. Well dang. The Cakewalk Deals forum is well-known around and I'd suspect there's way more lurkers than posters so this was a terrible business move and not well thought out with that handle either
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