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Lord Tim

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Everything posted by Lord Tim

  1. Is this folder indexed by OneDrive or anything like that? Sometimes that can make a file lock that appears as a read-only folder to Cakewalk.
  2. There was the Adaptive Limiter as well, which was actually really comparable to a lot of expensive competing plugins. I'd love to see that one come back one day.
  3. This is because those tracks are mastered. Whenever I drag in any commercially released tracks and overdub anything, I'll have to drop them by at least a good 6 to 12dB before I'm able to hear my overdubs properly, without clipping the outputs. You may well need more beefy speakers, of course, but the balance thing in this case is certainly juggling tracking level volume with final mastered volume.
  4. It's certainly possible that something inside your interface has crapped the bed somewhere, but definitely also, like I said, check your speaker cables and the polarity of the speakers too - it's possible you might be hearing stuff out of phase or giving you a faux mid-side thing too.
  5. Close the Measure Beat /Meter dialogue box for a start. That's expecting you to put something in and is in front of the Helix window.
  6. You can see on each clip in the top right hand corner that they have AudioSnap information in them (see the little dot with the vertical line through it?). It's likely at some point you changed to Audio Transients in the edit filter and something was nudged or changed. Those grey clips should be the same coloured clips as all of the rest which vibes with what @reginaldStjohn said - this is in Audio Transient mode for that track. Change it back to Clips in the Edit Filter drop down box.
  7. Yeah, I'm not seeing anything here that that suggests an incorrect setting. I can definitely say that I've had no problems with any version of CbB with clip gains, and I assume I'm not the only one or there'd be a lot of pretty annoyed people on the forums making a lot of noise about it. Is it possible you could make a short section of audio and upload that with a project with clip gains in there to see if it can be reproduced on someone else's machine? It'd be good to take the environment out of the equation and narrow it down to a setting or a project or something. It might actually be a buffer thing, or something. Could you also share a screenshot of your Preferences > Audio > Driver Settings, and Playback and Recording screens, and if you look in Audio > Configuration File, what value do you have in AutomationDecimationMsec? That has a big bearing on how it tracks automation. In the mean time, try this one out: Extract this ZIP and you'll have a CWP and a Audio directory in there with a short WAV. If you open the CWP, you'll have a 4 and a bit measure long tone with a bunch of gain changes on there. See if this exports correctly for you: https://www.dropbox.com/s/jc1tguhuqozcevm/Test Gain.zip?dl=0
  8. The best news is that you can select all of those Aux tracks and right click on one and do Save as Track Template and it'll automatically save everything from the routing to the folders to the colour settings, so you really only needed to do it this one time and it's available for any project, even if it wasn't made with your regular project template. But yes, especially before we had Aux tracks, my busses were entirely out of control and folders were high on my wishlist. Not so much now, but it would still be handy I think.
  9. I think you'll be able to recreate most of the sound with most sims and fuzz pedals if you're careful about it, honestly, but the defining sound is really the speaker or speaker IR. That's why very few of the Laney sims sound anywhere near close to what a real Laney does. Check this stuff out: https://www.celestionplus.com/product/laney-amps-impulse-response-collection/ Not sure if they'll be that authentic, apparently the definitive sound is Goodmans rather than Celestions. I think Glenn from SMG did a Laney shoot-out a while back with some IRs... let me have a look. Ah: HERE WE GO. Might be useful info for you?
  10. Really weird You've got a lot of posts with weird stuff like this going on though, which is strange in itself. Not pointing any fingers or accusing you of anything here of course but I'm wondering if there's something inherently broken somewhere that's exposing a lot of this stuff in your environment?
  11. IIRC**, hold down Shift when hitting the MIDI reset button. That will unload and reload the driver entirely. ** This info may be incorrect, mind you, I'll wait for a Friendly Smarter Person Than Me to come and correct me!
  12. This has always been how its worked AFAIK: if a track is armed, the meter will be showing what's coming into the input rather than what the track is playing back. If you want to see what the track playback level is doing, disarm the track. Not sure why you're seeing it in SONAR, I'm sure it was like that back then too. But if not, it kind of doesn't make any sense for it to work that way, honestly. Happy to be proven wrong, though, and it was like you mentioned in SONAR!
  13. I only really use the Input Gain to set mine, but a plugin isn't a bad option either if you want something bypassable. That said, sometimes it's nice to use some other plugin last in the chain to automate the level instead of (or in addition to) the volume slider.
  14. It's 32 bit but this is basically the big brother of Perfect Space: https://www.voxengo.com/product/pspace/ One thing that this has going for it, that Perfect Space also has, is an offset for the start of the IR, that a lot of the other convolution reverbs don't have. I should probably get around to fixing the actual IR one day, but there's one particular one that I like to use that has a weird chirp at the start of the reverb that is easily fixed by moving the offset a couple of milliseconds later. If you don't have offset, you're kind of stuck with the IR unless you load it into a WAV editor and modify it.
  15. Can you share a screenshot of your export settings for WAV? This is working correctly here for me.
  16. Lord Tim

    Runtime Error

    Weird one. Make sure your Windows Updates are all up to date, and your redistributables are all up to date: You say you've put the runtimes in, but definitely check that everything in that thread is current. You might need to do a system file integrity check in Windows, or a reinstall of CbB to fix this.
  17. Yeah, definitely don't plug in your interface to a USB hub - connect that right to your machine.
  18. Alt+X will show or hide the numbers next to to the top of the Aim Assist line.
  19. The other thing is too, can you bounce down a file with the pan set to left or right (like fairly far or completely panned left or right so it's very apparent that's what you've done), where you're hearing that as a volume drop but it should be a pan? Upload a bit of that too. That'll be a good clue as to if this is something that's happening that can be rendered, or it's something you're hearing only.
  20. Endless reinstalling won't help you. This isn't a widespread thing or... well, I'd be out of a job for a start, this is crucial to what I do, and I'm sure the forums would be melting down if lots of people couldn't pan a track. And reinstalling software and expecting it to do something different one time isn't real - you've done everything possible here to make sure the installation is good, repeating that is pointless. If this is happening on every project, including freshly made ones, there's obviously an issue somewhere, either with some config somewhere that's not apparent from your screenshots, or what you're doing in a project (unlikely) or it's happening between Cakewalk and your audio interface (most likely) Can you confirm pan doesn't work on a newly created project? And if this is the case, can you upload that project so we can grab it and test it? If it works on our systems, we can rule out a broken project for a start. One thing I'd suggest is checking your speaker connections. This is starting to sound like something is out of phase somewhere or is in some kind of mid-side mode. But get us a CWP first and let's eliminate the possibilities strategically rather than going through reinstall hell (that's never any fun) or throwing ideas at a wall and hoping for the best.
  21. It doesn't currently, and it would be a cool idea, but I'm sure someone has mentioned the workaround being just use Aux tracks instead of busses and throw them all into their own folder and respective subfolders.
  22. If you mean "doesn't work" then that's a big problem, but if you mean you can't put it in to the Pro Channel, what you'd do is insert an FX Chain module and load the Channel Tools into there. Super useful module! If you're willing to share the project, maybe someone could have a look at it and see what's going on?
  23. Yeah, the crash is almost certainly in the plugin. I still use it and some of the sounds are quite usable in a mix, and it's convenient for sketching out a song, but this is probably the most crash-happy thing on my entire DAW. Unfortunately nobody has access to the code to fix it anymore, so it's a "use this with a big caveat" thing. Good advice to find a modern and supported similar plugin.
  24. ... until it is. Win7 is getting supported less and less by developers all the time. That said, I'm currently seeing no big rush to move to Win11 on any of my work machines at the moment - it works fine on all of the machines I'm running it on but really doesn't add much to what I do, but come EOL for Win10, that's a good time to upgrade then because you know it'll be the OS that's getting the most attention in testing and will likely be the best choice to use on hardware of that era. I know your feelings on Win7 / online services so I won't argue here, everyone should do what works for them
  25. Sorry, working as expected here with no crashes. Did you get a minidump at all? That might be something worth shooting off to the Bakers to look at - you'd be able to at least narrow it down to what's causing it.
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