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Lord Tim

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Everything posted by Lord Tim

  1. Possibly hardware related, but also could be plugin or driver related too. If you haven't set your Exception handling severity to 7 then you may not get a crash dump, so make sure you do it here like we talked about earlier: Don't waste time guessing, actually get answers and get it solved so you can get back to work.
  2. No, it's stable for me doing that. This should have made a crash dump, which you can get off to support:
  3. This particular company cleans up with all of their other ventures and Bandlab (the social network / music hosting company) is apparently doing great, so clearly Cakewalk isn't a huge worry for them for it to be profitable, or they would have monetized all of the add-ons, etc. by now. Meng clearly isn't dumb, he bought the Cakewalk IP for a reason and it's definitely sending traffic and customers Bandlab's way already, and he has a great tech team on the books now - if you had a company that had a music social network, you'd want some talented engineers onboard to lend their skills and knowledge to your product, right? It's amazing how often this topic comes up here. Most companies release a new version every year or so, and maybe 2 or 3 updates to that version in the interim, barely a peep out of the dev team, and nobody bats an eyelid. The last update here was in late November... that's barely a few months old, and there's been very active participation in the forums by the dev team saying how they've fixed certain thing and it'll be in the next release. Doesn't sound particularly like doom and gloom to me.
  4. This could be a few different things, but start with going to Preferences > Audio > Playback and Recording and putting a tick in Suspend Audio Engine when Cakewalk is Not in Focus. This will stop Cakewalk hogging your driver when you switch out of it. It'll stop playing, however. The other thing could be that your Windows settings have a different sample rate / bit depth than what you have set up in Cakewalk - they should match so they play nice. I'm assuming you're using ASIO drivers for your interface. If you're using WASAPI mode, make sure your Driver Mode (same page as the last setting I mentioned) is set to WASAPI Shared. This will introduce a minimum 10ms audio latency, though, so if you're running any realtime effects or playing softsynths this might be an issue for you. Native ASIO drivers from your audio interface manufacturer is always the first choice you should go for.
  5. Bah. *hands back my badge and cap*
  6. Is this where I trot out the "I hope it's the Cakewalk Hovercraft" gag again? ?
  7. I wonder if you have some automation event or something off the end of your project that is making the project think this is a super long track or something? Turn on Ripple Editing and set it to All (look for the icon up near the top right of the track view). Then, click at the end of your project and go to Edit > Select > Thru = End This will select every part of your project past where you clicked. Then press delete. Make sure you turn off Ripple Editing! Save your project and try uploading it again. This will at least rule out some length issue as one potential failure point.
  8. You may need to do a fresh install of everything, some products get hardware locked and this might be getting tangled up on that point somehow. Definitely talk to IK, but my gut is telling me they'll get you to do a complete nuke of them and a fresh install.
  9. This sounds weird, like you're recording into take lanes rather than tracks themselves. Are you able to share a screen shot of your project at all so we can see how your tracks are laid out and how you have your control bar set up, so we can see what recording mode you're in, if you're using punch recording or anything like that? That'll give us a place to start from to help you figure it out.
  10. I'd be a little reluctant to pin it on a plugin if it's crashing on Creating UI rather than the plugin scan itself, but this is good advice all the same
  11. ... why do women keep saying that to me?
  12. Anything you do to Cakewalk won't affect your projects at all, so no need to back them up (but you should! It's never a bad time to back up your stuff!) but this is looking like either a Windows or Driver update has affected something, or you've gotten a disk write error on something important (it happens, even on a solid system) or something has gotten tangled somewhere. This doesn't look like an audio driver interface problem to me. Start with making sure your Windows Updates are all up to date. After a reboot, see if it crashes. If it does, try checking to see if your system libraries are up to date: If that doesn't fix it, see if you can check to see if any part of Windows has become broken. You can find instructions on how to use DISM to fix that here: https://www.windowscentral.com/how-use-dism-command-line-utility-repair-windows-10-image If that fails, you can try a Clean Install of Cakewalk, which won't affect your projects at all, but will entirely reset Cakewalk to how it would be right out of the box, so if you have any custom themes or keyboard shortcuts or anything like that, it'll all be reset. https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360034066393-Clean-Install-Cakewalk-by-BandLab If, after all of that doesn't fix stuff, the next time it crashes, grab a crash dump and get it off to Support - they'll be able to see exactly where the crash is occurring and be able to give you exact instructions on how to resolve it. Information on how to do that is here:
  13. I've seen a few posts where Noel and Mark have mentioned fixes for that particular issue were "coming in the next update", so I'd like to think something is coming... or they've just done the coding to score gotcha points with their computer programming pals at the milk bar. "Oh yeah? I fixed FIFTEEN bugs today and I didn't even need to! And you're a poopy face!"
  14. One big caveat of treating frozen tracks just like audio tracks is that if you do any edits on it at all, and then decide "hey maybe I should try a different synth patch", when you unfreeze it, all of those edits will be lost. Copying (or bouncing) your frozen clip to a new track will give you a good safety net in case you want to try out other options.
  15. Ehh, that's how I do it if I want to work on frozen tracks just like audio tracks and it works fine, although I Archive the originals rather than Muting them to make sure they're entirely taken offline rather than just muted. Another way you could do it is selecting your synth (both MIDI and Softsynth out tracks) and use Bounce to Tracks and then archive the originals, which more or less achieves the same thing, but honestly it's not a real lot faster than the Freeze / move you're already doing.
  16. Back when it first came in it worked pretty differently and had its quirks. I can't remember when it got the big overhaul (X3? SPlat?) but that helped somewhat, and a hell of a lot of bugs were squished since Bandlab took ownership - I know I've personally reported a fair few myself. I still have a couple of nitpicks but it's generally really stable these days.
  17. Yeah, it's pretty reliable most of the time but I have noticed that if anything gets stuck in a state like this, it's usually this one with the bundled effects. I use it in nearly every project I do though, so the percentage of fails is extremely small for me, but you're right - it's definitely a real thing.
  18. If it's blue, it means it's bypassing PDC. So typically it should be in the grey "off" position so that plugins have their delays compensated correctly.
  19. The most authentic way would probably be audio to MIDI conversion by dragging the guitar audio clip to a MIDI track playing a harp patch (assuming you have Melodyne installed - CbB relies on this to do the conversion). Another alternative is to pick lightly around 10th to 12th fret on an electric guitar, using the neck pickup. It'll sound more round and harp-like there. It won't be exact but it'll be closer than if you picked on a more traditional place, like between the pickups.
  20. Yep, Workspaces were previously called Lenses, which is what they're saved under, if anyone needs to go searching for them for whatever reason.
  21. Interesting, I'm not really a scrub tool user so I just gave it a go then. Like Mark said, no issues in PRV, and for me I had no crashes or hangs when I went back to Track View, but is this expected to bypass any effects when you scrub in TV? No effects (amp sims, etc) or VSTi synths are sounding, so I'm just getting raw clip data and no synths at all.
  22. Sometimes posts get missed - this is a user to user forum here, so not everyone is around to answer every question, and the devs only poke their head in when they have time. For a quick answer, contacting Cakewalk Support is the best idea. The OP hasn't been back since June 2020, so they've either solved the issue, or given up and moved on. It was their only post so at this point I'd say this is ancient history, and anyone experiencing anything similar should open their own thread so we have fresh information to help.
  23. Yeah, CbB doesn't add any gating to freezes other than that, so I'd suggest it's something in your plugin. Try checking Render in Realtime and see if that helps - some plugins don't keep up with faster than realtime renders. If that doesn't work, try bouncing to a new track, and try both with and without Render in Realtime checked for the bounce. Another alternative would be to send the output of your track to a new Aux bus, and then record the bus, and then archive off the original track.
  24. If you long-click the ripple edit button, you have the option of All or Selection. All should basically trash everything selected and shift the remainder of the project to fill the gap (and make sure you turn it off when you're done - this has the potential of utterly destroying a project if you're careless with it!) You'd basically just press the delete key to get rid of stuff, so no need for explicitly choosing Deleting Hole or anything like that. If it's still not working as expected, try grabbing screen capture with something like LiceCap or even saving a video to YouTube, it'll help to see exactly what you're doing.
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