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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. Oh! The free choir with purchase over $598? ? That's a bit more 8dough than I want to spend.
  2. I think the $9 Rigid Audio deal may be the best option for the freebie.
  3. Which one is the new one, Larry? I don't have them all.
  4. True story. I posted a link once. As soon as it was up, I tested the link and discovered it didn't work so I fixed it. But Larry had already put the right link in during those few instants while I was doing that. He's kind of like Charles Bronson in "Once Upon a Time in the West."
  5. If you collect over ten freer licenses to Reason Rack Lite, they should give you the full version. It's only fair. ?
  6. That is a hell of a lot of guitar for $49. Cannot resist Indiginus guitars.
  7. And it's actually the second time I've done a cue with ProjectSAM's Animator in one of my videos. ?
  8. When people find out that you are in my video that will be the end of Rick Beato. I will be the new lord of music YouTube video!!! The thread is in the copy below, but it's here https://vi-control.net/community/threads/tiger-the-frogs-alphabetical-list-of-november-2020-sales.100595/ Yes, I am changing it all the time. A bit behind today because I've been getting two videos out. Oh man, I wish I had thought of that! I will use it someday. Thank you!
  9. I know I got Reason Rack and I think I got Quadravox as a freebie, so.... Drumazon?
  10. I'm sorry to spam this forum, but I thought it should get to you all as soon as it was up. This forum is the very first thing I talk about. While it usually takes me a few weeks to make a video, I did this all yesterday and today as I wanted to get something up to plug my VI:Control post. The sound isn't that great, but I don't have time to mess with it. The hard part was to print up all that money with Tiger's picture on it. Hope you like this. It's a tribute to all of you as well as King Larry!
  11. I have a few of their effects packages, but I would really like the transitions.
  12. I love NewBlue stuff, but the best deals usually come in packages with Vegas Pro Suite. 40% off is still a lot. Title Pro is great. I use it on all my videos.
  13. I was worried that it was too talky, as I don't like videos with a lot of blahblahblah. But there were already so many excellent YouTube videos that demonstrate the Finishers, and I wanted to do something different. There were some points I wanted to make about why I think they're special and how they compare to other plugins. I just put in a link in the description for people who only want to see the playthroughs.
  14. As you all know, I am a ujam fanboy. I even bought most of the Beatmakers, even though I don't use them--I just think they're cool. But I am a big fan of the Finishers, since Carbon and Micro. I think they keep getting better with each version. I look forward to what the new guitar ones will be, as I'm sure they will be included in the next update. While they aren't the only effect that innovates beyond recreations of new hardware, I do think they are unique, and I try to show why. I hope this will be of some help to any of you who are considering buying one during the inevitable ujam BF sale.
  15. For only $25 I can say goodbye to the rest of my life? I might stick with $9.63 for only taking most of my time.
  16. I have purchased pretty much everything they sell. I got a lot of their stuff in an APD sale and then I kept on going. I highly recommend their Indie Fingers and Repetitive Basses. Put them under any folk or rock track and it sounds cool. They are pretty unique and work really well together. But there are many gems in there, like SOUTH, which is Italian percussion. Try and find that anywhere else. This LINK is much more frog-friendly. (It's an affiliate link.)
  17. Supine, Cinematrix, Synferno, Sore, Plethora, and Acoustic Isolation- all for $10.70 This is an amazing deal and I've always been tempted by their instruments, but I just imagine how much time I would have to give to playing with these. Which ones are the best?
  18. Freakshow Industries has a Friday the Thirteenth sale on Dumpster Fire. Which they are selling today for..... $13.00 It's not listed as Friday the 13th here https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/2-Effects/35-Pitch-Shifter/6594-DUMPSTER-FIRE but it is in the main Plugin Boutique sales section. https://www.pluginboutique.com/deals
  19. Ordered! Damn you Greg Phillingames, The Pocket Queen, Eric Persing, and everybody else! ? Knowing how much I use Omni and Keyscape, it's a wonder I resisted this as long as I have. ?
  20. For the life of me, I don't know how they chose Chromophone twice as the World Instrument. First, because, better than EthnoWorld, World Suite, the Tarilontes, Evolution Series, and many many others? You have to be joking. But even more so because AAS has three truly wonderful expansions dedicated to world music: JOURNEYS, MASALA, and MASALA 2. Very, very exciting achievements in world music, as they create "world instruments" that don't exist. But they're for String Studio, not Chromophone. ?
  21. It's been on my list for a long time. It's always on backorder at Musician's Friend, which makes it easy to resist GAS. But I use Omni and KeyScape all the time. Very interested in those VIP patches, and maybe even the PluginGuru ones too.
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