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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. https://www.spitfireaudio.com/shop/a-z/the-ton/ No parentheses at the end works better. ? By the way, meh. $100 left to spend on something else.
  2. And the Total Studio Sale is still going on....
  3. Grab these AWESOME deals this month! Quadravox - $99 ANIMATE $15 Drumazon $54
  4. The ADATA XPG SX8200 NVMe was designed to be one thing--a Samsung killer. To get the best specs and the best reviews. I have bought three of these, as I was been very unsatisfied with the two Samsung SSDs I bought. The specs were good on the Samsungs when I got them, but took a nose-dive. I will probably replace them. It lists for $149 and usually sells in the $135 range. This is an affiliate link.
  5. Larry, how are we going to deal with this??? ? I am going to get carpal tunnel.
  6. Thanks. I have Orb and I have enough drum machines, so I think I'll resist GAS on this. I'll watch the videos when I can catch a moment.
  7. How do these compare to the Hexachords Producer Suite? I guess one advantage is they have a real drum machine if you go for the Captain Beat option. Captain Chords is $55.30, so it's only $14 to add it.
  8. If you buy on their site, there are options for further discounts for buying more than one. https://www.musiclab.com/buy.html
  9. FYI, there is a special offer on this if you own some ujam plugins already. After the pre-order is over on December 6th, the price will be $169, but for those who have ujam products it will be $119. I'm not sure how many you need to own. More info here: https://support.ujam.com/hc/en-us/articles/360017387780--SE-STRIIIINGS-FAQ
  10. My apologies if APD already posted this. This starts on Friday at 12 am EST. After that there will be a new deal revealed every six hours, until 6 pm on Sunday. So I hope you didn't have any plans... The thing that's cool about this deal is that you don't need Rewards Money in the shop while it's going on.
  11. I would never buy from this company in a million years. On the first page it flashes you need to use the code SHCS_55%_OFF With underscores! A second later, the code is gone. I had to go back three times. A poor guy like me who has to type all these codes correctly so people can use them does not appreciate. Some people will use BF55, but there are always some that will use BF55EATAPIZZASTANDINGONYOURHEADWHILESINGINGMYFUNNYVALENTINEINPIGLATIN I don't like those long codes. ?
  12. Plugins will get you through times of no money better than money will get you through times of no plugins. ?
  13. Torgbe is the sequel to Hadziha, which js a Ghana choir of little kids. I also got that on intro price for $19. It is a really fun library and I am going to get this to layer with it. Karoryfer uses Sforzando instead of Kontakt, so you don't need full Kontakt. He also has a ton of great freebies on the site.
  14. And then they practically give everything away on Humble.?
  15. If you don't want to have a sale, then fine. Don't have a sale. But at least sell your product for $200 during the year and then knock off a buck for Black Friday. $199. Or $199 and one cent all year round and then $199 during BF. I can just see their board meetings. What should we add in our new Vegas upgrade? Oh I don't know, 5% of what other companies do in their free upgrades? Sounds good.
  16. As usual with a Magix sale, not one penny off for Vegas. $199 for an upgrade, just like all the other days in the year. I'm on Vegas Pro 16. I don't a single new feature of any consequence since then to make me want to buy over those two years. It wouldn't surprise me if in 2021 and 2022 or 2023 they still won't have added a feature that makes me go "Wow! Have to have that!" When I bought Pro 16, it was because of "new features" I wanted and the plugins they threw in to sweeten the deal. But after I got it I found out that many of the "new features" were from previous versions. I like using Vegas, but it was a totally different product with Sony. I am honestly perplexed about what their strategy is with it.
  17. I made an excel chart of all the "12 Days" deals fro 2013 to 2018. I lost the charts but they are here . It should give you a sense of the evolution of these deals and giveaways. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/what-are-you-hoping-for-in-sonokinetics-12-days-of-christmas-sale.87486/ I think it's a good bet that there will be two giveaways this year.
  18. I have held off on upgrading to the new versions of AAS stuff for a while. So now I can get the upgrades to Chromophone 3, String Studio VS-3, Ultra Analog VS-3, and Lounge Lizard EP-4 for a total of $99.50. But maybe I will be able to get a better deal from them as I am such a cheap *****. ?
  19. I don't think I will be asking for a refund. Libraries Mike did so long ago (like his two vocal libraries) still stand up today. At the moment, I'm reallocating. Taking some spendage I was thinking of going elsewhere and re-routing it to this.
  20. If this has been posted already, please forgive me. https://realitone.com/products/sunset-strings Totally unexpected. I never expected to buy a string library again, except for maybe.... Olafur Arnald's Chamber Evolutions. But now this. This is incredible. It is not a string library for playing melodies. This is all about creating beautiful textures. I can see myself combining this with Noire and blissing out. So far for me this is THE discovery of the Black Friday season. And it couldn't happen to a nicer guy than Mike Greene. Intro Price is $199, which requires Kontakt Full. Mr. Greene will give you the NKS Player version when it comes out. Regular price will be $300. A chamber ensemble of orchestral strings that bring movement, life, and musicality to the world of virtual instruments! Recorded in Hollywood at the renowned Studio A of United Recording (formerly known as Ocean Way), this is the strings library we've been wanting to create for years. The vast selection of extended techniques, textural sustains, and organic performances make this one of the most unique collections available, wrapped up in an engine designed to offer flexibility and promote creativity. Articulations were recorded as an ensemble (5 violins, 3 violas, 3 celli), with Basses (3) recorded separately to offer greater control. Some articulations such as the Repetitions were recorded as soloists in their seating position within the ensemble. This provides a gorgeously detailed natural stereo image, you'll think you're actually there!
  21. I think Reason 11 came out last August. How long do you think it will be until Reason 12?
  22. Yes. Whatever goes on sale before the "12 Days" sale isn't included in the "12 Days" sale. This isn't always the case, but in general it has been my experience that the discounts tend to get larger on the big orchestral libraries as the years go by. So something might start out at 40% off and then 50% off then 60% off. But not every library gets included each year. It is very smart to read the VI:Control post every day, because they pretty much tell you sometimes when there will be a freebie the next day. Santa's coming, etc. Here's the post on the sale from last year. https://vi-control.net/community/threads/sonokinetic-12-days-of-christmas-day-12-mega-deal-tutti-vox-only-€75.87594/
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