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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. For the price of one month's subscription fee, you can try out Falcon and everything else that UVI makes. I wish all companies offered something like this as an option. Wouldn't it be great to be able to try out a Spitfire library before buying it?
  2. I don't know, but I think that TS 4 is likely to come out around BF, like TS 3.5 did. IMHO, they need to sweeten the deal a little bit more to make sure more people upgrade. So I'm thinking there will be some more T-RackS/AmpliTube processors coming before then, and maybe a new instrument or two. They might come out with Mixbus 2.
  3. Obviously it's too late for you, but for anybody else... The best deal on Total Studio is after a new version comes out and then goes on sale. You will have to pay $$ (maybe $99 or more) to upgrade to TS4, but you might have been able to do the upgrade for around the same price. But it's totally cool. You can start enjoying the software right now and there's a value in that. Don't forget that IK allows you to resell licenses. All the individual licenses you purchased after TS 2 and before TS 3.5 you can sell.
  4. I used this in a piece in December. It's since become my go-to paper clips library.
  5. I like this. FYI, it's $99.99 in the APD Shop, and $69.99 if you have rewards dollars. https://audioplugin.deals/momentum-percussive-sound-design-vst-au-aax-by-impact-soundworks/
  6. One thing I like about Lunacy Audio is that they come out with free preset packs regularly. There are already four of them-: Particles, Graphite, Glo, and Breeze, although Breeze requires their first paid expansion, Air. (I'm guessing that there will be another free preset pack coming to go with Threads.) But they really stand by their customers. It's already a very cool instrument and very ingenious, and Cube just gets better and better with this new free and paid content. Unlike Output products, their paid expansions include new samples. I'll probably go for Threads, as it's unlikely to go for much less than this. If somebody is on the fence, I would expect that they will have another paid expansion by BF. Maybe a Brass one as Air is winds and Threads is Strings. So when that comes out, the package of all three paid expansions might be a better deal.
  7. So does this mean that the templates I spent weeks creating for my MK1, which didn't work when I got my new MKII, and then had to do over... they work now? Interesting. I don't know if I should be happy about this or mad. ?
  8. I went from V Collection 5 to V Collection 8 for $99 last year. My memory is that I had $99 offers to upgrade to 6 and 7, which I passed on. But that was then and who knows what the future will hold. I'll probably wait this time around too. First, there is so much I have left to explore in the V Collection 8 and Pigments. Plus I can try out fully functional demos of all the new stuff. Arturia is so good about offering that. I'm sure I will demo the Augmented Voices. I have MS-20 from Korg but I'm curious what Arturia's take will be on it. It will no doubt be prettier. ?
  9. I like the LE version of Augmented Strings, and the full one will be a lot better. Many more controls. So I'm curious to see what Augmented Vocals will be. But I assume it will be an extended series, with Augmented Brass and Augmented Woodwinds, and who knows what else Augmented. If I get really excited about Augmented Vocals, I might jump on this during BF for $99.
  10. On one hand I think deals like these are wonderful ways for people who are new to all this to get started. On the other, we all know that so many of these things have been given away for free and will definitely be given away again for free, like the Elements series. They'll either be a PluginBoutique gift or they'll be combined with other deals so they might as well be free. You can build up a nice collection of things just by sticking with this interest and keeping on top of the announcements of freebies on forums like this one. So I wonder whether it's better to spend $49 on this or just save up your money for something like Full Kontakt during the NI Summer sale. What is that? $142.50? Something like that. There are so many quality freebies available 365 days a year, including ones from all three of these companies, plus dozens of others. Just think of the free stuff from Melda. But once you have full Kontakt, the sky is the limit for freebies.
  11. I like this. It came with Vegas but I never got it to work on Premiere. so we'll see.
  12. For whatever reason, this did not work for me. I decided to begin by deleting all of my demos. I launched Software Pass again and this time it didn't recognize me. So it had me log on to the Korg site. There I could see that the Korg collection was registered to me. There was an arrow on the right. When I clicked it, this appeared. I'm installing these and they're working fine. I think that Korg Software Pass was supposed to lead me to the site, but for some reason it didn't. But I only discovered the downloads by clicking an arrow. There was nothing that said "click arrows for downloads." Oh well... ? I think this could have been a lot easier if Korg had said, "if you're having issues after registering on Software Pass, log into the site to get your downloads". That's simple. Anyway, I'm really happy with this and it's definitely worth more than $160 (with tax) to me. One thing I would love to see is for them to use the user interface from the iPad Wavestation. It's a lot easier for making your own wavetables.
  13. I've been busy, so I finally tried this today. I found the "Korg software pass folder". It only had the installer for "Korg Software Pass" I already had installed that. When I put in the code from the email it registered the collection. The downloaders in the email were ONLY for installing Korg Software Pass. Not for synths. So I looked in my Korg Program files directory. I found my Wavestation demo exe. file and other demo files I downloaded previously somehow. I loaded it and it was a demo. When I clicked register it brought up the Korg Software Pass. When I put the registration number in, it said the code had already been used. At this point it took away my registration for the entire Korg Collection. Not that that had done me any good as far as getting access to synths. So unless I can find somebody here or at VI:Control to help me, I'm just figuring I'm out $160. Maybe I'll try social media. But just from the amount of stress this is causing at a very busy time, I regret buying this. I didn't need it that much. Any ideas? I'm going out and will check in later.
  14. The M1 came with 4 Mb of onboard sounds. This was piano, strings, bass, guitar, drums, etc. I don't think it's fair to compare it to the sampled pianos of today, which can reach into the dozens of GB and have many velocity layers, round robins and all that good stuff. Despite the limitations, people really liked those sounds back in the day and there were a lot of hit songs written with them. People chose to use the M1 and DX7 pianos when they had real pianos in the studio. Put yourself back in my place back in the 80s. I didn't have a piano--all I had was my hardware synths. When I could get sampled sounds in my Ensoniq Mirage, I layered them with the musicality of the M1. Good samplers came out, but I couldn't afford them. When I play those sounds today from the synths I owned like the M1 and DX7, it brings back memories.
  15. I was busy and somehow let this go by. I have over 700 pianos and it's not enough And that's just the felt ones. I'm exaggerating (somewhat), but I am a piano addict. I don't mean to threaten our dear @Simeon Amburgey and his mission to find a virtual piano for every home in the world, but at a certain point if you can't make a music with a dozen pianos, maybe the issue is not the pianos. In the past I tried to create templates of all my instruments so I would know the full breadth of my collection, but lately I have been trying to pare down. I'm trying to have as few instruments available at one time. Just make music with a limited palette. So I will try to be done with pianos and will wait awhile before getting more synths. I admit I have dreamed of the Korg Collection for a long time. I wanted Triton alone when it was $199 (!!!) But I do know I will buy larger collections like Komplete Ultimate CE, Total Studio, etc., and there are bound to be more pianos, synths, and other things I don't need. What I will always be open are the creations of imaginative developers like Ben Osterhouse, Evolution Series, etc.
  16. I'm not able to install. I installed Korg Software Pass and put in the registration code from the email. I registered Korg Collection 3. It's marked as registered. At this point it allows me to update the M1 (which I own) and my demos of Wavestation, Triton and Polysix. I can download stuff I don't have, but nothing installs. It just downloads. There's a line that moves to show that it's downloading, but it doesn't say where it downloads to. When I reload Software Pass it is as if I hadn't done anything . Wavestation, Triton, and Polysix are available to update. Everything else is available for download. I'm back where I started. When I load Wavestation or Triton it asks me to register. This takes me to Software Pass. Putting the code in does nothing. The help pages don't address any of this. Any advice? I had no issues installing Gadget or M1.
  17. You are the devil. I bought it. ? I am hopeless. I definitely don't need these, but they really are good synths, and I know them well. I have many of these on the iPad. And when you add Freelance Soundlabs templates to them, they are even nicer.
  18. I have Thorn and Knifonium. And probably over a dozen others I didn't mention. ?
  19. I used my M1 Le code to buy M1. Unsurprisingly, it didn't work. I'm glad it didn't, because otherwise I would have spent $149 and I don't have time to use these instruments now. I have the complete Arturia, most of the UVI synths, all the Komplete, Omnisphere, all the AAS, Falcon, HALion, and most of Syntronik. And all kinds of other terrific synths, including Pigments, Synthmaster, and M1. I have all the things that come with IK Total Studio 3.5. I also have a fully functional demo of Triton. If I just want to play around with it, I can. It's possible that the others are available too. I'll probably pull the trigger on this someday, but I can wait. I know this is sacrilegious here, but how many synths do I need? ? I kinda feel like I have my hands full.
  20. MNTRA instruments are fun, but sadly I have abandoned ship. Too many problems. I have a lot of other instruments that work properly with no issues and life is too short. They should have made their stuff for Kontakt and that's that. Hubris. Other engines aren't the best even for many huge companies like Best Service, Orchestral Tools, and Spitfire. Why try to build one when you're just starting out?
  21. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy has built a career off of construction sets from Big (Stinky) Fish Audio and some sound FX. If you want to hear this guy really let loose, there's more here https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7yHCy_r4b13wJxhxdDilgg
  22. Yeah, I wish I could. I think the majority of the people here have no objection to me doing so. But one or two people take great exception to having me putting my videos here because they are not deals and this is a deals forum. Maybe you missed that controversy, but it was getting uncomfortable. Still, a lot of the listings on this forum have absolutely nothing to do with Deals. They are just useful information for the community--like this one for example. A Cubase update is not a deal. But it's not worth getting into a fight. I put enough of my videos up here so that if somebody like you is interested, you'll just subscribe. And everybody helped me so much here with my technical issues. That's the beauty of this forum. But I had reached the point where I didn't want any more advice when the complaining started. Even though they aren't music videos, it's still useful to have a bit of music software chops. I put up one yesterday on Werner Herzog and got a copyright call on some of the Popul Vuh music. So I went to Cubase and improvised some stuff with The Orchestra Complete for a few minutes. It filled the spots reasonably well, and my video got up quickly with no copyright problems. Other people couldn't do that. They'd have to search for a long time through library music, but I knew exactly what I wanted.
  23. Yes, it includes Dolby Atmos, so you can make binaural mixes with it. I paid $$$ for Dear Reality's dearVR Music, which isn't as powerful. This is a very useful feature, particularly for guys like me who don't have such great hearing. You can make very interesting mixes with this, as long as people are willing to put on headphones to listen to them.
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