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Reid Rosefelt

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Everything posted by Reid Rosefelt

  1. It was a pleasure to deal with Jim every step of the way and I am 100% happy with what he built for me. He is a total professional.
  2. I bought this, but haven't had a chance to listen to it yet. It's right up my alley. Couldn't resist. I suppose that come BF, I will take advantage of an OT deal to get the male soul ensemble.
  3. I swore I was NOT going to buy any more Chinese instrument VIs.
  4. I remember when Cinemathique brought out their first Klang instruments. I am quite certain they were ALL freebies. I downloaded a bunch of them as they released them, but didn't really use them. Too niche for me, so I stopped paying attention. I now see that at some point Cinemathique made Klang an independent brand, so I guess that was when they changed to their current mode of charging 5 euros each. It wouldn't surprise me if a lot of the paid collection were freebies before they went paid. But anyway, I'm assuming everything will start out paid from now on. If anybody who was downloading Klang from the beginning can clarify this for me, it would be appreciated.
  5. Anybody have a guess about when they'll have the upgrade sale to from 11 to 12?
  6. How does Klang work? Do the instruments start out free and then become $6?
  7. I read in the Unify FB group that you can upgrade from Discovery to Core for $231. Naught bad.
  8. I don't scoff at one knob. One knob is my preferred number of knobs. I wouldn't know what to do if I had two or more knobs. It would be superfluous. But if I wanted more I would definitely shop on KnobCloud.
  9. Yeah, but I haven't got into them yet. I'm sure I will soon. ?
  10. Got an email on this. It's been some time since they've done the 50% off on upgrades scale that they did every BF. They suggest that you visit your account to make sure everything is registered so you can get the best deal. Back when they did 50% off sales on BF, I had one freebie, and never had spent a cent on Soundtoys. My upgrade price was $160 for two years in a row. $320 when the sale wasn't on. Since then I have purchased a few Soundtoys products (which I love) and my upgrade price is now $389. So I assume that in this sale my half price will be $194.50. Have they added any new plugins to Soundtoys 5 in all these years? I suppose Effects Rack is a serious bonus, but wouldn't I have gotten that if I bought it for $160 years ago? Maybe when the sale starts it will be lower. We'll see, but I doubt it. The reason I didn't take advantage of their offer is that I didn't know anything about Soundtoys plugins at the time aside from the fact that people liked them. Something has to be real special and will add a ton to my setup to get me to spend 200 bucks. I figured I would get the demos, learn if I liked them, and then buy them when I was ready. So I set aside money in my BF budget a few years ago, but they ended it. No 50% off sale. Full price, no discount at all. I even wrote them and said if they would offer me the deal they offered me for the last two years, I would buy. I had put the money aside and was ready to buy. But now I'm in a completely different place. I'm actually more interested in Premiere Pro and After Effects plugins these days than music ones. That's where my GAS is today. And I've bought a lot of audio plugins over the years. So my window on Soundtoys may have passed. I'm not even sure if I would buy the upgrade for $160 today. I don't like these companies like Cinesamples that can raise all their prices dramatically and believe we all won't notice. People complain about all kinds of companies, but you don't suddenly find out that Albion One costs double. Just the opposite. It's a shame, because by the time I did my research I wanted to get the full Soundtoys upgrade. They didn't even answer my email. The funny thing is that the way they treated me with the full upgrade has stopped me cold turkey from buying single plugins from them.
  11. I suspect there will be a sale on the original Riff Generation at some point.
  12. The three new expansions, each of which adds 50 presets, are: PULSE MOOD: Designed to create rhythmic and tonal “sound beds”, these pulse-based riffs and mood-setters can be useful to any stage of the song writing process. NATURAL MOTION: Featuring a modern sound rooted in the real world, this collection blends Riff Generation: Outside In Edition’s natural instruments (guitars, pianos, tuned percussion and more) with its immense and unique sound design capabilities. GENERATIONS: Each patch has had its sound selections, effects and randomization settings prepared to make the most of the engine’s generative capabilities. Simply load a patch from one of the categories (bass, distorted, guitar, mellow, natural, pulse and synth) and then click the large “GENERATE” button to create something from nothing. This makes six after Guitars, Chimes and Distressed. All of these have come free for purchasers of Riff Generation: Outside In. If you're interested and don't have , you can get the library and all the expansions for $99.99 (60% off) I'm a big fan of Riff Generation and In Session Audio in general. It's nice that Kyle Z stands by his customers and provides all this free content. https://insessionaudio.com/products/riff-generation-outside-in/ Also, both Riff Generations are for sale for $199.98
  13. But no expansions. There's no special deal on the Output site for completing your collection.
  14. Have they discontinued the Merethe Soldvedt library? Unless I'm missing something, it seems you have to buy the entire Jaeger to get her library. A big deal because that was the best female solo vocal legato available. It's still state-of-the-art.
  15. I realize that this isn't music exactly (although it does have music apps), but here is an example of a piece of hardware going up $100 in a flash. If there is a piece of hardware you have decided to buy, I would do it soon. There are many reasons Meta did this--not just inflation, they were selling at a loss--but still. A hundred bucks price raise for a product that has only been around two years! And I believe @cclarry is right to be concerned about the future of Studio One. The corporate people may see more money on not spending money adding features to the full product. The equivalent of smaller bags of potato chips.
  16. Larry, if you're reading this, please come back! I come here for deals, but mainly for you. I hope you will reconsider whatever is keeping you away, because you do matter to a lot of people. Take some time off and enjoy your life... but come back, please
  17. As soon as I downloaded these, I threw a whole lot of them into this video. Not that you're probably interested in the topic, but it's got a lot of funny stuff in it. Explosions. And some of my music. Concept 2 is fun too. It's not Pigments, but it's got a lot of nice presets, including a directory of FX ones.
  18. But that deal doesn’t have the two Concept synths. I ‘m looking forward to trying them out.
  19. What the hell were you doing, Larry? Probably notifying us about a dozen more deals. There's something ironic about that but I can't put my finger on it. As a movie publicist I have been scrupulously trained to never miss an opportunity. It's exactly like being a Navy Seal. There was once a guy I know who let a pigs-in-a-blanket tray pass him by at a party without snagging a single one. He was immediately drummed out of the union and shunned thereafter.
  20. If you have enough Rewards dollars there is a similar ISW Orchestral bundle for $99 in the APD shop. https://audioplugin.deals/impact-soundworks-orchestral-bundle-2/ The difference is the APD one has Vocalisa instead of the Pearl Concert Grand And from time to time, APD lets use the shop without needing rewards.
  21. I really think it was a mistake. That's why I pounced on it immediately. I got out of bed to do it! ? Many members of this forum can remember how often this happens. Get it while you can!
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