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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I've never been blown away at NAMM. But I don't go there for the *****. I'll be right there tomorrow at 5AM. I having brekkie with my mate @daryl1968 and driving him to LAX so he can get the 'ell out of this god forsaken country. ?
  2. For me it was the whole ball of wax.
  3. No matter what it is, I'll probably say "Installed!"
  4. Reads like a variation on Soothe3 but maybe even more AI based. I imagine it will be $79 intro price and $99 thereafter.
  5. Had some BestCoin so for $11.02........ Installed!
  6. Lost at see are wee until his return
  7. I'm giving thatored bapu 24 hours to give up the Am bazz note secret or I will confiscate all him's bazz geetars. Capiche?
  8. https://www.mashed.com/839206/heres-how-to-make-jack-in-the-boxs-secret-sauce/
  9. I bought two at once and got two generic codes. They delivered them after an 8 hour delay. I had $9 in in bestcoin and I applied it. Drum MIDI was the only group of serials I was low on (only had 2 left). I recently stocked up on all the others at Thomann. I too can confirm they are generic. I just placed one more order for two. Had $0.78 in bestcoin and $3.59 in CC rewards bringing the total down to under $9 each. Happy 2024.
  10. Could be a happy accident. Good on you.
  11. 1. Bapu 2. Bapu 3. Bapu 4. Bapu 5. Bapu 6. Bapu 7. Bapu 8. Bapu 9. Bapu 10. Bapu 11. Bapu
  12. TBH I was never a Beach Boys fan even essentially growing in SoCal from about age 6 on. It was The Beatles that turned me on to what music was, followed by The Rolling Stones etc.
  13. Bapu

    UAD $50 coupon

    Patience grasshopper, it will 50% off at either the mid year sale of def end of year sale and *maybe* you'll have a $50 coupon then ?
  14. Bapu

    UAD $50 coupon

    Since I own everything in the DSP family (which gives all the native version for free) I'm wallpapering my bathroom with these UAD coupons.
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