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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Think of the additional plugins I could get with that $4K.
  2. ~said Bapu never hyuk hyuk
  3. It's a nice plug-in. Some of the presets are great starting points.
  4. The first iteration (at 10:10AM) I posted did (unintentionally) had mastering turned on. Then I reposted the song to BL (at 1:00PM) with no mastering. So I'll assume you listened to that verison. Which tells me I'll not be posting finished songs that I've "mastered" to BL anymore.
  5. Bapu

    BandLab preferences?

    Can my BandLab account have a default of turn off mastering for uploads?
  6. Can you gents please confirm that the Soundcloud version is "better"? I used the same .wav file on both platforms but maybe I screwed up on the BL upload. I thought I chose no mastering. But.... who knows.
  7. Doood, you need to level you surface, everything is gonna fall off.
  8. (C) Lennon-McCartney Covered by: James Griffiths - Lead Guitar Ron Houle - Drums Daryl Greenway - Piano, Organ, Tambourine, Acoustic Guitar, Lead Vocal Ed Kocol - Bass, Lead Vocal Production notes: All recorded in CbB, SONAR and Studio One. Mixed and mastered in Studio One.
  9. I have a cassette recorder. From Radio Shack.
  10. Delivered. Its in a compressed format so it takes virtually no disk space.
  11. PayPal me at @ and I'll send you the license.
  12. I don't wear a watch but it'll be on my to do list.
  13. I have samplitude and mixcraft. They are dead to me. Not worth my time. Not even Samp v4. Wasted a total of $200 on those two.
  14. I like my three main DAWs. CbB, Studio One and Mixbus. Reaper is 2nd line defense for me. Verion 6, whenever it becomes reality, my be a game changer for quite a rew, IMO.
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