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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Check out our BJZ project HERE and the precursor BBZ project HERE It's little bit Metal and little bit Rock (to paraphrase Donnie and Marie)
  2. Only five links, and 8 lines. Can't do what I had on the old forum.?
  3. I only care that I got to keep my forum name Bapu. Sadly on Bandlab site my login ID is BapuBassman because some wanker used Bapu before me. Imagine that.
  4. I use my DAW(s) to make music for my enjoyment and the boredom of others (you know who you are).
  5. Hey Bob, sit back and relax and soon enough you'll learn about the Am bass "note".
  6. What happened to the "Best Answer" check mark? It was available yesterday but not today.
  7. The bummer is the limitations on the sig. That is so 1980s.
  8. Been there done that. If you want to know the history CLICK HERE
  9. Oh brother, I gotta start all over?
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