Not in that "can".
I just orders some Sonarworks precise tunes Sennheiser HD598 cans to mix with. I find the ATH-50s really nice to track to but kind of tight on the head (cue Paulo with the big head jokes) to mix with even using Sonarworks. I love my HD600s so these HD598s should be a close as I can get. 300 samallions with shipping. Hope to them soon. I have a dedicated 2nd headphone out on my RME that I plan to send a "mix" to where Sonarwork will reside with the HD598 profile they send with the cans.
Really??!!?? Did I miss the option to store the "samples/pak" files where I wanted them?
sooooooooooo can I relocate the 10+gb of .pak file to my samples drive?