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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Are you calling Meng a liar??
  2. Too much of a hassle right now since I may or may not keep this. We'll see.
  3. So what's a Bloke to do with the AT4/T-Racks VSTs in AXE I/O if he already owns the entire line? Can they be transferred or are they forever tied to the AXE I/O?
  4. Based on my postcount many have said every day is my layabout day.
  5. It showed up at about 6PM yesterday (Saturday). Naiz lookin. Ent got time to play with It yet,
  6. Mine should be here any minute, <foot tapping>
  7. Worst case, I can sell it to some juan.
  8. Done. Should be here tomorrow.
  9. Hmmmm. Not that I *need* it but I do have $55 in jam points bringing it down to $244.99. I just wish it could be used simultaneously with my RME in ASIO mode. IIRC it uses its own proprietary drivers (Mesh knows better than I on this).
  10. Well, just woke up and saw this. The guys beat me to the punch. Yes, I do have it. It's nice piece of software as Jim says. Pity about not having a standalone version though.
  11. [Heard over loudspeakah as it goes crash] "Bapu, please report to Studio One for your transportation to the future."
  12. I don't have GAS anymore. The problem is disposable income. I had income. I disposed of it.
  13. Is everybody excited that this is my Friday? Ya, I'm a rebel. 4 day weekend ahead.
  14. Cool beans Daryk. And the song is top drawer too, as usual.
  15. Stay in with The Lovely Lady. Tomorrow I record live drums on a rockin' choon.
  16. But...… I will only make that offer good to (known) longtime Cakewalk users.
  17. Not my DAW per se but the musicians.
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