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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. 1. $0.02 + $99.98 is what you'd pay for a lifetime CbB. 2. What would you pay for yearly ongoing subscription? 3. What would you pay for initial license and then for ongoing updates? Me? 1. zip, not interested. 2. $99 max, or $9.99/mo with ability to start and stop hassle free. I really only use CbB a few times a year for collaborations with diehard CbB users. With @Zargg we exchange Studio One projects to start, and then individual .wav files after that. 3. $149 (loyalty) and $49 max. Just my (one or two) Benjamins. ?
  2. If they did it would get used a little bit more than it does now for collaborations.
  3. That's truly a bummer about the skins man, Dave.
  4. I don't get out of bed for Spitfire unless it's minimum 50% discount across the board. ?
  5. On another note,...... Installed!
  6. Installed! Time to replenish my EZKeys MIDI serial numbers.
  7. Downloading now. Soon to be..... Installed!
  8. The one that does the job best in each specific scenario. ? I own about 7 or 8 DeSSers, no single one is "best" every time.
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