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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. @Starship Krupa I believe what has been considered proven in the way past is that when all things are equal (pan law etc.) between the then tested DAWs on pure audio (i.e. no use of any FXs) they always null tested out. Now Andrew Scheps' observation (if true) could shape a null test between Ableton and any other DAW (purpoted to not have any inbred processing). I personally believe that Mixbus/MIxbus32C would not null to any of my other DAWs because they advertise that you are by definition getting a Harrison console, which is different for Mixbus vs Mixbus 32C, right in the DAW.
  2. Wow after all that studying and purchasing and setup. Andrew is a big proponent of mixing ITB.
  3. Since you are a beginner I'd suggest you stick with all the Pro Channel modules for now. After you learn those tool inside and out you can then venture out into the world of 3rd party plugins of which there a literally thousands available sometimes cheap and sometime quite expensive. Agreed on that video which was being posted as I was hitting post too.
  4. I suggest you avoid them and the deals section of this discussion board for obvious reasons.
  5. I may just be an Ed but I'm Bapu for sure.
  6. Mmmmmmmmmmm Wait..... there's BBQ in there
  7. Heh Heh Marshall uses a Marshall pluguin
  8. I have all the UAD versions, so I'm kind of set there too. ?
  9. Nor is it my $9.99 upgrade from version 1 ?
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