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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. That's what she said. Swish-Bada-Boom.
  2. "Bugger off you twit!" ~Proust (paraphrased)
  3. I'll be looking at LastPass. Played with KeePass. Didn't warm to it immediately.
  4. Well, I finally got into Steiny site. Nothing on my free SL6 -> SL7 upgrade. Wrote MAGIX and they replied back that I will see my activation code within a week or two. ?
  5. Sorry for being so uptight and prunish.
  6. Unless you're head over heals in love.
  7. Looks like Adam Levine. His voice has always sounded like it was coming out of a tin can to me.
  8. Mixing/mastering over the phone sounds as accurate as mixing concrete over the phone.
  9. @synkrotron You should have been on your instrument instead of gambling.
  10. "All signs point to yes" ~8Ball
  11. I lost my original install disks for Slate Drums in Konakt somewhere around buying the first version of native SSD. ?
  12. I finally got a code to change the password. It's changed and I can log in now.
  13. Agreed. But it's capitalism at its best.
  14. I cannot get steinberg.net to reset my password. I tried to contact them but alas it's a Catch-22. You need to log in to send a support request. Is anyone having trouble logging in to your account? The problem is that I *know* my password yet it tells me I have a bad password. I've requested a password reset and have waited hours for an email with a code to enter on the password reset screen. The email is not in my SPAM folder.
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