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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Hey paulo iffinyou had an Amazon DAW maybe Scaler 2 would work for you. It's worth a try?
  2. From Left To Right: Epiphone Limited Edition 1959 Les Paul , 1984ish Fender Japanese Strat with active electronics and Humbucker bridge pickup, Custom Fender Tele body but all Fender parts, Line 6 JTV Variax modelling guitar (Station Wagon Blue as Jonbouy called it)
  3. Maybe that will be the "last" bass I'll ever need. Possibly pick it up next year.
  4. I pretty much update whatever happens at the moment (triggered by cclarry in the deals forum).
  5. So, Imma thinking I'll go to Amazon/Walmart for all my G-String needs from now on.
  6. And here I was, sooooo ready to touch "the dog".
  7. @paulo Far more basses than I need? How about drum libraries, orchestral libs, EQs, Compressors, Reverbs and Delays?
  8. @ZoIt's a fixed price, you can't use vouchers for this item.
  9. I do want to thank everyone for their suggestions on "the next bass", I feel I have my bases (see wot I deed dare?) covered with the group I have now. I call them Bapu's Eleven.
  10. I once used BIAB to generate a placeholder lead guitar solo for a Philz song. When Philz got around to doing his full production he asked Danny Danzi to replace that solo and Danny told him there was no need. He said the solo fit the song perfectly. I also used a generated guitar solo on a Daryl1968/Bapu production too. And I used BIAB for a full 'country' version of She's a Lady (aka She's a Monkey) on which The Beepster did the lead vocals.
  11. He's a well respected man about town?
  12. By the way that was right after I got my haircut that had been last cut on 19 Dec 2019 (yes 2019).
  13. My actual first bass was an off brand copy of that body style but it had two pickups. I really can't remember the brand so I'll just call it a St. George as that was a popular beginner brand at our local shop at the time. Then I got my white P-Bass and probably sold or gave that St.George away. Eventually I sold my P-Bass to get an EB-0 which I hated and immediately traded up for an EB-3. Sometime later I traded up the EB-3 for a Rick. The Rick was traded up for the Alembic. Then starting in about 2007 I acquired (roughly in this order) Line 6, White P-Bass, Uke, 5-String, Rick, Jazz, EB-3, Danelectro and the Players P-Bass.
  14. I should have aligned the last six in order of likely/actual usage. They should have gone Hofner, Danelectro, Jazz, Line 6, Uke and Custom 5 String.
  15. Pfft no edit of the OP. What's the world coming to?
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