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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Should I be proud when I say I don't use any lubricants?
  2. Bapu

    Steel cowbell $2.99

    Brillyant (as bayoubill used to say). $6.99 shipping. with tax just over $10. Or I can drive 20 miles to the Woodland Hills store and save on the shipping.
  3. After owning a snark tuner for many years it's become sticky all over. I wonder if the material has cancer related materials in it? I threw it out and a new one arrives today. My snark will no longer be sticky. <taps fingers on desk waiting for a snarky reply from paulo>
  4. Bapu

    Steel cowbell $2.99

    Yay! sum more cowbell
  5. All's swells that ends swells?
  6. +1 Scheduled to arrive tomorrow.
  7. Unless you keep coming back to King Lars' adobe. ?
  8. Well, now that there are two threads, I'll most likely buy it twice.
  9. Installing now. (I bought from NI direct, yeah I paid about $11.00 more).
  10. Sweet deal was had. Thanks Lars.
  11. I will say this though. On Windows the License Manager is a bit of slowpoke. On my MacBookPro it's a speed demon. Downloads on the Mac that take 3 minutes take 20-30 on the PC. Same network, both machines are ha wired into the LAN. It's a mystery.
  12. Since I operate my DAW online (24/7) I've had no real problems with the new BFD version save some initial user stupidity.
  13. Been waiting for Crush, Sabian Cymbals and Wooden Snares.
  14. Technically speaking, The Beatles never tweaked the mixes. They weren't allowed. Engineers did that.
  15. I have a v8, v10, v11u and v12uCE hard dive. Doorstops now.
  16. Sorry, but you need it.
  17. Just like any band. And John Lennon said he wanted to redo Across The Universe (and maybe a few others IIRC).
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