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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Ahem, read his first line in his post (i quoted it for you here). If you don't know Jim is a pro DAW builder who is meticulous as all get out. I accept what he says as I know him to be thorough.
  2. s'wonderful, s'marvelous
  3. 275 for the Bosie and the rest for the synths?
  4. Astonishing. Amazing. Beautiful. Out of this world. A left handed drummer paying a right handed guitar.
  5. I need one Thunderbolt for my daisy chained two (2) UAD Satellites.
  6. We Need @Jim Roseberry to chime in on 16gb system which is what I would choose along with 1tb or 2tb OS drive. I think this would blow away my MacBook Pro Quadcore 8Gb 1tb. Only problem I see is how to run two monitors.
  7. When I play scrabble and have no consonants I usually tell the other players I'm gonna need to move my vowels. I'll get me coat.
  8. I helped. With coupons and sale prices I got $398 worth of plugins (Plugin Alliance full prices for bx_refinement and bx_saturator2) for $148.
  9. Not that I've given it much thought before now, but I would have expected it to be the other way around.
  10. Got this one just for the 'cool' factor.
  11. Oh yeah..... installed. Had a generic cereal.
  12. I played with a guitarist who used a tuck-n-roll Kustom. I never warmed to the sound of it, but then again, it could've been the guitarist. ?
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