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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Bapu

    Death Spiral

    We'll fix it in the shrink wrap for you craigb (ITIYRN)
  2. No such thing found as yet. Only singles HERE
  3. Hmmm still not showing up in TT PM.
  4. Will Install when I can. Not avail in PM right now (using a generic serial)
  5. Ahhh but 17 of the PA Plugins I already have covered by other vendors (mostly UAD). I hope you can top me there. ?
  6. Ya, another bass, Toontrack product and maybe a dozen compressors/reverbs/eqs/limiters. Oh ya, and some talent.
  7. Used my $75 and $25 April vouchers to get Buxom Betty, Lindel 245E and 345E and SPL MoVerb Plus for a total outlay of just a few pennies under 40 clams. Once again, I'm pretty tapped out on 'wants' from PA with an ownership total of 85 plugins from them.
  8. Kind of Less kind of and more EZer
  9. Congrats to Meng, Noel and the team.
  10. @DeeringAmps Owners of EZD2 get $20 off if they pre-order before May 3.
  11. Now all they need to do is come up with a way to really integrate/import/export the chords between EZKeys or EZBass.
  12. Thanks for the listen anyway ?
  13. Very nice song Paul.
  14. Really good song John. Such a small/tiny/minor crit: the verb on the drums feels way out of place with everything else. If I were the producer I'd put a tad more dry drums upfront.
  15. Bapu

    Dangerous Eyes

    Cool song and great production and performances.
  16. Gret job Tom. Loved it all.
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