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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Good song, nice mix, great lyric in the hook.
  2. Bapu

    pig tail sally

    U B U Jesse Q. Screed and I lurves it mate.
  3. Bapu

    "Turning Sixty"

    Loved those lyrics Lee. The song is great. Small crit: the drums (or at least the snare) seems about a db too loud. It's just a little distracting. The piano tone is great.
  4. Bapu

    Dream Layers

    Great track Wookiee. Nice synth tones and transitions. Great waking up 'coda'.
  5. This is very nice and relaxing but keeps the interest up all the way through with the subtle changes. No crits here. Translated well on my Sennheiser HD598's.
  6. Very 60' experimental hippy-trippy. Agree about the FM airplay comment above.
  7. Bapu

    My Ghost

    Nice track. Nice tones. Raise that vox about 1 db and call it baked.
  8. No crits here. Drums and vox are fantastic. Bass is solid. Great mix. Loved the solo: short, sweet and on point.
  9. This double plus good in my book, Mark.
  10. Translates pretty good on my Sennheiser HD598's. Personal crit: the drums are not very fat, They're kind of thin to my ears.
  11. I'd move to Boston for that except I don't want to leave my studio here.
  12. The bottom line was these two instances were on my two bass tracks (neck and bridge pickups) using the two bass presets. No wow factor with this plugin.
  13. On my PC install was flawless, serial pasted with two leading spaces. After deleteing the spaces serial was accepted. In Studio One it added 5% CPU usage during playback with one instance and no difference with two instances. Windows 10 64-bit, Intel I9 10900K processor O.C. 5.0GHz, Asus Prime Z490-A mobo, 128Gb PC3300 Memory. This was the latest Citizen Regen mix/master of Death Spiral. 84 tracks, buses and FX Channels. About 75 VSTs including 6 instances of Trigger 2 and 7 instances of Slate's Virtual MIx Rack. as well as Lurssen Mastering Console on the 2 bus. Buffers was set at 2048.
  14. NagBap 2.0 took up limited foot space but took up maximum aggravation. Hence, all users abandoned it.
  15. I'm surprised no one has done that yet and shared the info. Me? I cannae be arsed to do it yet.
  16. EZDrummer(2/3) allows you to drag and drop the MIDI from the Song Creator section to the DAW (just remember to delete from EZD so you're not playing the original and modified MIDI at the same time) Then edit the drums MIDI all you want. Simples. With EZBass that's harder to do since EZBass has special articulations that will not reproduce in pure MIDI because (to date) they are only triggered in the EZBass UI.
  17. I refuse to buy this. Since I already own it.
  18. Our work is done here then. Thanks for listening Wookiee.
  19. Bapu

    Death Spiral

    From Juan Ed To An Udder Ed, Tanks For Listening.
  20. Bapu

    PA Forever $29

    Some would says it's FAKE NE....... nevermind
  21. Maybe they test standing on their hands?
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