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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I'd love the ability to see the mixer in S1 look like the Reaper theme Smoothe6. Still, S1 is my goto DAW.
  2. I had a close family friend in the hospital with it, who also had no immune system due to chemotherapy. She died on Dec 6th, 2021. I'm not afraid to publicly say we've had the first two shots and one booster. Both of us work from home, have our groceries delivered (instacart.com) from both Ralph's and Costco. I do occasionally go pickup food at dining restaurants, but I still wear a mask most times. Being a diabetic I try my best to be cautious.
  3. My bad. It was heavily discounted because of the plugins I owned but I'll need at least one more $60ish free plugin to be pretty much even. ?
  4. Very cool. I recently went Premium Mebership (all new plugins are free). So, this one at the intro price almost covers my membership fee.
  5. IIRC Previous version of ProTools would get wonky full resolution. Mainly the text menu bar. Studio One, Reaper and MIxbus 32c was fine. Maybe I'll give your idea a try at my next mixing session.
  6. I'm on 43" now @2560x1440. If I go to 3840x2160 everything is too danged small. I'd love to use two 43" (one for track view & one for console view) but the only way I could do that is to have them stacked and then I'd need an elevator to see the one on top.
  7. My, as yet unachieved, life goal.
  8. Installed.... like forever. ?
  9. Sol's theme is nice and it reminds me of the Smooth_6 theme which I have been using,
  10. With one exception, at least ProTools does a few/several updates throughout a calendar year.
  11. So sorry to hear that Dave. I hope she fares well soon. "I'm in my usual state of isolation out in the garage" {bapu hopes that means tracks are coming soon ? )
  12. Technically speaking you are on a subscription with CbB. It's just free (until it's not ? )
  13. This also is a subscription-only product for new customers and in several ways feels closer to Pro Tools Ultimate than the old Pro Tools Standard. My Standard perpetual license was converted to ProTools Studio perpetual and my update plans are still valid through Sept 2025. I imagine at some point they will un-grandfather my perpetual license but that's got to be 3 yrs and 5 months away. [EDIT] I just purchased 2 more years of updates at jrrship.com for $354.22 with code FORUM. I'm assuming that in Sept 2025 they would start charging me $299/yr so I got two extra years for ~$55 more than one year under the inflated current pricing scheme.
  14. Cool. I can wait as I believe my discounts are "perpetual" and the only two products I don't own now are Cinematic Pro and Illusions. Thanks.
  15. @cclarry or @all : Do they ever have sales? I don't recall seeing any.
  16. However, if you already own any of their other products you can request (on a page on their site) discount codes. Since I own 2 of their products, I got two discount code s and they can both be used for one purchase. In my case that's a total of 30%.
  17. Bapu

    Death Spiral

    Thanks my monkey boy ?
  18. Thanks Jeff We're cooking up another one now
  19. Here's a random tought: What if all we had in the world was scissors and t-shirts?
  20. It means "installed"
  21. I completely forgot I bought the ProMix Bundle. Just watched the tutorials and I'm going to give this bundle a go by re-doing a mix of Storm The Gates song by our band Citizen Regen using the prescribed methods in those tuts.
  22. I'm reverb hoarder but what does Seventh Heaven Pro have that my Slate VerbSuite Classics M7 IRs dooes not? Just more controls? I listened to a uBoob vid comparing them as well as IR-1 (Bricasti M7) and in the examples they gave I personally did not hear much difference. With my discounts I can get non-pro for $49 or Pro for about $215 or both bundled for $251.
  23. Greg is another year older today? Inconceivable. Have a great day Greg.
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