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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. Oh man, I guess I'll not send along any new projects today, you might just quit the band like Ringo or George.
  2. Not rhythm related but we do our best to play three rounds of Rumikub daily.
  3. Sorry, I'm a b it lazy it seems. I just use 'copy image link' and post it here. I'll try to copy the image and post that image here. ?
  4. Hah, I saw $39, but of course I just now bought it for $25. I never bought 360 because at the time I owned everything.
  5. I tend do the manual updates (no desktop installer app) once a month. Takes typically 1 hour. During the week I follow Deals where updates are posted.
  6. What would he do for you, and would it be enough?
  7. Besides, just about any DAW on today's market have a sufficient set of FX plugins and many have a "synth" as well as some maybe have a piano. ? At least CbB has most of these (TTS-1 covers a lot of ground even if it has dated sounds).
  8. I'm not sure I want to go there, even hypothetically. ?
  9. All songs are worthwhile if you let them be. Rework and release it, I say.
  10. @Sheens Ahem!!! 14 basses, 4 guitars, a real drum set, bass rig and Vox AC-30 2x12 and a tambourine. ?
  11. I suspect they have an agreement with US manufacturers to ship from their distribution centers/warehouses.
  12. @cclarry Whoa, you're right. ~$27 for shipping. That's a little over $200 savings from Sweetwater's price today ($1299).
  13. Childs play ? "He who dies with the most plugins, wins"? FWIW Some of mine are subscriptions but I doubt I'll end those while I walk the earth ?
  14. Initially you get a set of essential plugins free. After that there are additional plugins avail for purchase. Their prices are not for the faint of heart though. Wait for sales, I say, and even then some can still be costly; but d.a.m.n.e.d fine plugins though.
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