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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. And here I cancelled my 4eva29 (never to be had again, until it can be). ?
  2. I hope they don't gum up the works.
  3. Given your position in this thread that seems to be you. So just use this one 3 times 2023-01-25gIH9Zdf45rD8
  4. I tried that but everyone never showed up and I only have one code.
  5. Why the **** did I not think of that? ?
  6. I already own 40 Melda Plugins. My Total Bundle prices (69% off) is $707. That's under $12 each for 62 more plugins and it reads that I'll get any and every future plugin created by Melda for free. I'm so tempted.....
  7. I'm right behind you paulo...... the day after tomorrow.
  8. Nice one Peter. The plan is for my band from High School days will be getting together in February for a day of jamming.
  9. Installed! Installed! Installed! Installed! Installed! Installed!
  10. $142 at Thomannmusic https://www.thomannmusic.com/toontrack_ezx_value_pack.htm
  11. I'm sure a few here use this along with CbB
  12. Wha? The bass player has the samllest amp?
  13. Bapu

    PSP 285

    $28.50 for me. Installed!
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