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Everything posted by Bapu

  1. I already have SL Pro 9 and Wavelab 10. I don't see a need for Nuendo, even at $269.99 since I rarely use Cubase 12 (or 11 on the elicenser for that matter)
  2. Taps fingers on desk waiting for $29.99 deal.
  3. Me too, still opened and closed immediately.?
  4. I downloaded the latest installer ran it and it opens but then closes almost immediately. Anyone experience this? This did not happen on the last update. [EDIT:] Even did a reboot, same.
  5. Same here. Dare I say it? Installed!
  6. Sure. Why not? Installed!
  7. Eventually goal is to have a pair of distressors too (at minimum for kick and snare on the way in).
  8. Maybe. But case in point. Watched a video with that Whitesea guy and Glen Fricker do a test of a free Distressor, Slate Distressor and a real Distressor. The free was hands down dismissed as far inferior to the Slate and the Slate was considered 'pretty good' but it was decided that the real thing was the real thing by far. That in part drove my decision to give a hybrid system a try. Worst case scenario if I'm not satisfied; I can resell the gear as it all respected hardware on the intertubes.
  9. I've recently added hardware to my studio. My plan is to: 2 x 500 series HRK ST552 tape emus into WA Bus comp for vocals Fatso into Heritage Audio for drums 2 x 500 series HRK ST552 tape emus into TK Audio Bus comp for bass 2 x 500 series HRK ST552 tape emus int Serpent Audio on the 2 Bus Of course, I have some 'learning' to do with his hybrid setup. As well on the input side I've changed by interface to 3 Apollo x8p's and 1 Apollo Twin X.
  10. Anyone have one that you can transfer 4 DAT tapes to WAV? If you don't want to sell it, I can ship you the tapes and pay you for your time to transfer the entire 4 tape(s) to single WAV per tape(I can break up the songs afterwards).
  11. Saw CS&N about 10 years ago in San Diego (Humphrey's outdoor venue). C&N were fabulous but S could not sing a note on key the whole night.
  12. Bapu

    Aeroband Drums

    Cute as a kitten.
  13. A pro carpenter does not have only one hammer.
  14. Guys, guys, guys. I'll let you in on a little secret I've learned. You are allowed to have them all. ?
  15. Sounds like you dig him as much as I dig John Hiatt and Marc Cohn. Both excellent storytellers for me.
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